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not all bad


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Bad euro campaign, dissmal performances etc, we are in with a good chance for the title this season again which will take us on a charge for 3 in a row next term, europe is our bread and butter but at least we can concentrate on the league now and hopefully put a thorn in the scums european hopes, im sure there world would start to fall apart if we won the league this term again and provide the dark side with a stern test for the next european campaign, afterall with the so called money they are gonna spend im sure they demand europe next term.

Its easy to say walter out but we are skint and in a situation where it may hinder a new owner if we have management tied down to deals, so whats the alternative? concentrate on first place and our worries should at least ease a bit more

POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE if i say it enough im gonna believe myself

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Careful - you'll get a lot of abuse on this board if you are positive (thats my experience anyway).

Some more positve thinking:

We can still do a treble - 2 wins in the next 2 games sees us back at the top of the league no matter what anyone else does.

Bank position stabilied at least for a year.

McGregor back to his best.

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