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Only place I've seen mention police having to enter the Celtic end last night was The Guardian, also made mention of the pro-IRA singing. Haven't seen mention in any other match report, no mention from the SPL or SFA, nothing from anywhere except a throwaway comment at the bottom of the Guardian's initial report.

(sorry about the wrong location)

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Aye, right after that guy went after Gingerc*nt, second goal. Police had to move into the Celtic end, supposedly a report. Sky didn't show it but you could hear them.

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"Lothian and Borders Police will fully investigate all of the incidents that occurred at the match this evening and will work closely with both football clubs and the SPL."

Too bad no one is mentioning any other incidents, like Lennon going to the center circle at the final whistle and having be taken back to the tunnel by police. If you spend all season winding up every club and fanbase in the country you get what you've got coming. Not condoning that guys actions (mainly cause the knob couldn't land even one decent blow) but he's brought all this to his doorstep.


Guardian: Hooper's second goal prompted ugly scenes. The striker collected a Ki Sung-Yeung pass before slotting home; which proved too much for one punter in the enclosure area of the main stand.

As he was huckled up the tunnel by police, trouble also broke out when the police moved into the Celtic end; the most vocal pro-IRA chanting of the night surrounded what bother occurred there.


If one (ONE) person in Ibrox hums the tune of the famine song it's frontpage news. They were doing this shit the whole second half and not feckall is going to happen.

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Here's Mjallby's quote in the sun

But that was all overshadowed by one incident and Mjallby sighed: "You can't call the guy who did this a supporter.

"I haven't seen anything like it and was shocked like everyone else in the dug-out.

"You see things on TV from all over the world and this is the first time I've ever been involved in anything like this. We were watching the team, focused on trying to get the three points and to take it to the final day.

"I'm proud to work for Celtic and for these players and I like talking about football, but there is no doubt we all need to look into this."

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3576025/This-game-was-pure-POISON.html#ixzz1M6OrsSXV

Take it you must have missed the highlights of wee Dallas covered in blood, and still the craicsters were running on to give him more... Eh Mjallby ? :rolleyes:

Sun seems afflicted with the selective hearing syndrome also, not a word about it... Shower a shitebags.

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It's a fucking joke. Ginger McWheresmyrazor couldn't get in trouble if he opened fire on a crowd of school children. The only thing people around here talk about the SPL is his fucking antics. Can't wait til Ally makes it 4IAR next season and he can trot back to whatever circle of hell from whence he came.

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The only Scottish report that I have seen to mention it! It was tucked away in the "also in this section" sidebar.

Sweep sweep

Interesting the mention of Lennon getting some kicks in

Lennon landed several kicks on the grounded man before he was dragged back by Thompson and Johan Mjallby.

Spiers was taking pelters from timmy on twitter last night for mentioning that.

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Had a swatch at the record this morning. The incident in the scum end was mentioned, not condemned, just mentioned. They also mentiomed sectarian and pro-terrorist songs, this time dismissing it as heat of the moment stuff.

Seen the tims are all making this out to be worse than anytime they have entered the piktch to have a go at someone and think they should now move down south (aye a LOL at them thinking they are welcome anywhere aswell) because they are the victims of everything and anything.

Win on Sunday and we can let them get on with their pish while we spwnd the summer celebrating.

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