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Our tolerance of Catholicism.

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Religious diversity is encouraged not stifled. We will not burn, shoot or maim people that are not Protestants.

We will never claim persecution unless justified.

We embrace ALL Catholics, Muslims, Hindus … that believe in and support the values of OUR CLUB or OUR COUNTRY.

However Fenianism, will never be accepted.

The political correctness brigade will try and combine Fenianism and Catholicism into one single entity, for their own agendas and profit.

One thing will prevail tomorrow; our team will fight for the cause of The Rangers Football Club because of honour and dignity, this is all we ask and this is what we demand.

It is up to Strathclyde’s finest to differentiate between Fenianism and Celtic Supporters; I hope that they are up to the task.

Nevertheless, I am sure that our supporters will remain dignified throughout and this is why WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

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I have a friend who tries to wind me up. He's a catholic and will call me h** at every opportunity and I will call him a taig at every oppurtunity. We have a laugh about it cause it means nothing to us. The people I can't stand are the Catholics who take it to extremes and properly believe in a united Ireland and the absoloute scum that is the ira. I'm Fine with Catholics........... It's republicans I can't stand

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I have a friend who tries to wind me up. He's a catholic and will call me h** at every opportunity and I will call him a taig at every oppurtunity. We have a laugh about it cause it means nothing to us. The people I can't stand are the Catholics who take it to extremes and properly believe in a united Ireland and the absoloute scum that is the ira. I'm Fine with Catholics........... It's republicans I can't stand

Fenianism in a nutshell, our friends are our friends.

The so called "Sympathisers" AKA Fenians have to be defined and rooted out, this can only improve the situation for everyone. If only someone had the balls!

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Religious diversity is encouraged not stifled. We will not burn, shoot or maim people that are not Protestants.

We will never claim persecution unless justified.

We embrace ALL Catholics, Muslims, Hindus … that believe in and support the values of OUR CLUB or OUR COUNTRY.

However Fenianism, will never be accepted.

The political correctness brigade will try and combine Fenianism and Catholicism into one single entity, for their own agendas and profit.

One thing will prevail tomorrow; our team will fight for the cause of The Rangers Football Club because of honour and dignity, this is all we ask and this is what we demand.

It is up to Strathclyde’s finest to differentiate between Fenianism and Celtic Supporters; I hope that they are up to the task.

Nevertheless, I am sure that our supporters will remain dignified throughout and this is why WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

So why have an Avatar mocking the Leader of the Roman Catholic religion if you are so desperate to give the followers of this depraved and corrupt sect a cuddle?

Or are ye really at the Wind up LOL

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religion should have nothing to do with football and schools - that is why Glasgow is the way it is! No faith schools is the answer but say that anywhere near a tim or football phone in and you are a bigot! upside down prejudice?

The Church of Scotland are responsible for creating an education system that produced some of the greatest scientists, economists, businessmen and philosophers in history. Even great Irish scientists like Boyle and Kelvin had a Presbyterian education. Without Fleming you probably wouldn't be here, without James Clerk-Maxwell we wouldn't have computers or laptops. All a result of a Protestant education. The problem isn't Catholic schools, the problem is we don't have protestant ones. Ever since they adopted comprehensive schools, the country has produced fuck all. Bring back proddy schools.

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Drivel. Read a few threads on here and tell me there is generally a tolerance of Catholics. Football and religion shouldn't mix but frequently they do and seldom is it in a tolerant fashion.

I have drinks with catholic friends, some support Rangers and some support Celtic.

I have met Fenians in my life and they have nothing but hatred within them towards me, my club and my country.

There is a difference and it has to be acknowledged.

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So why have an Avatar mocking the Leader of the Roman Catholic religion if you are so desperate to give the followers of this depraved and corrupt sect a cuddle?

Or are ye really at the Wind up LOL

I am supporting Hugh Dallas, who was hounded out when others including Catholics forwarded this joke!

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So why have an Avatar mocking the Leader of the Roman Catholic religion if you are so desperate to give the followers of this depraved and corrupt sect a cuddle?

Or are ye really at the Wind up LOL

Spoken like a true fenian

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I have drinks with catholic friends, some support Rangers and some support Celtic.

I have met Fenians in my life and they have nothing but hatred within them towards me, my club and my country.

There is a difference and it has to be acknowledged.

I don't know you so I wasn't saying you aren't tolerant of Catholics. But to say 'we embrace all Catholics...' I think is kidding yourself.

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religion should have nothing to do with football and schools - that is why Glasgow is the way it is! No faith schools is the answer but say that anywhere near a tim or football phone in and you are a bigot! upside down prejudice?

i totally agree with you on this one,for starters this faith schools is the start of it all,if everyone went to the same schools,hard to differentiate against each other,but for me that is what they want,in this day its the only way forward ,but the corrupt catholic religion will not allow this......

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My kids can't go to the nearest school, because it is RC,but catholics can you to my kids school,apartheid laws,fuck them.

Exactly, the further away you get from the epicentre, the influence decreases.

Glasgow is the goldfish bowl for sectarianism, because of denominational schools.

However, denominational schools have less impact out with Glasgow regarding sectarianism.

That is reason that Fenianism is sustainable within Glasgow.

But ultimately Catholicism and Fenianism are two different entities.

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FTP and Orange bastards aren't religious beliefs.

FTP is an abusive term about a religious leader. I have no love of religion of any sort but I don't see the need for expressions like that at football. Same goes for abuse of any religion I just don't see the connection with sport.

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We have a lot more dignity when it comes to religon among our support than we seldom give ourselves or more importantly get given by others. I will probably get slated for what im about to say by some but here it is.

I have been to 2 catholic schools as well as the 2 protestant ones I ended at.

My mother is catholic and my father is Protestanst,,, for the record I never knew my mums side growing up as both her parents had passed on and she wasnt close to the rest.

My mum in her wisdom attempted to raise my sis and me as tims,, however due to family stuff I spent most of my younger years staying at my fathers parents home ,,who where staunchly BLUE .

As a kid I was big into Army stiff and WW11,, so spending time wae my grandpa who was an ex WW11 commando was always a treat. My dads side of family had a big Military connection too ,, and by the time I arrived at my catholic secondary school my Uncle was being shot at regularly in his Duty as a Royal Military Policeman in Belfast during the height of the troubles.

Needless to say I got a few blackeyes at school defending his name and honour when THEY would say shit like he deserves a bullet for being in Ireland for the Queen.

Was very soon after I asked to be sent to a Protestant school.

When my Grandfather passed away 12 yrs ago I joined up,, and have been in the RAF ever since. I have gone on to risk my own life for Queen and Country and have served in Iraq to name but a few places,, and I am proud of the job I have done.

I have always loved supporting a team with a proud loyalist and British connection ,,, I couldnt even imagine sitting amongst those Republican lovin scumbags. Anytime I have expained my upbringing to fellow Bears I HAVE NEVER encountered any hostile resentment ,, usually just joke aboot seeing the light,,, and yet the same could never be said about them lot.

The religion side has never,, and will never bother me,, as I am a complete non believer when it comes to that sort of thing. If it bothered me that much I could have changed it officially yrs ago,,,,, but I wouldnt go to the church of scotland any more than the church or chapel of Rome if im honest,, so why bother?

For me its always been more about being Patriotic and supporting a Club who are proud to be Scottish and of their British roots,,

Like I said some might gee me pelters for, coming out so to speak ,, but there you go ,, there it is,, and I applaud the OP for starting the debate

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I find it bizarre coming from Northern Ireland that the most rancid form of fenianism

can now be found and heard not in the streets and towns of Northern and Southern Ireland but at Celtic Park with a scottish accent.

At last, someone that understands the complexities and knows the difference between Fenianism and Catholicism.


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