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Where do we go from here?

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So the turkeys have voted for Christmas. Good on them. At least some of them showed they have a backbone. Obviously no brains, but a backbone.

Where do we go now then? I think it seems obvious now that they will try to get us into the first division/ SPL2 now as they know they can't do without our fans/ money for too long. I'm against this as I would rather we started in division 3 but that's a completely different argument and thread on here.

The main point about this thread is to state the case that I'm sure a lot of you are bored to tears hearing about but I think in light of today's vote it needs said again.

When we meet certain clubs again, whether it be next season in the SPL or in a few seasons time when we are climbing and they are falling we must as one unite and leave their stadiums empty when Rangers go to visit them. There will always be the arguments that the team need our support but I don't buy into that. The team will know at home how much we support them but when we visit places like shitodrie the team need to go it alone. We have the biggest fan base in Scotland and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We must hit these clubs hard in the pocket and let's see how they feel when the creditors come calling. It won't be long until they start falling like dominoes.

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3rd division please. Lets do this right, we will be back where we belong soon enough. (tu)

I agree with you mate but the main point I'm making is make sure any club who gives us problems never receive our hard earned readies again. We need to show them although we are going through a tough time, we are still and always will be the biggest club in this country.

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I agree with you mate but the main point I'm making is make sure any club who gives us problems never receive our hard earned readies again. We need to show them although we are going through a tough time, we are still and always will be the biggest club in this country.

We should boycott every SPL club from now until worlds end. I don't want to ever give them a cent either. (tu)

Did anyone vote yes?

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