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Graham Spears


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come clean, then. Having written like this, it wouldn’t do to then skive off without relaying my own football background. For the purposes of a book about Rangers which came out three years ago, I had to sit down and work out how many times I visited Ibrox as a boy between 1969 and 1982, and realised it totalled more than 200.

Graham speirs - glasgow herald feb 2010

Oh well thats that then eh, a true bear that man is if he says so in print, how can you even argue this man is rangers? Is that what your opinion is based on.

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Hasn't been back since '82 because we are all so evil and dastardly!

He's such a cnut perhaps his way of helping is not being thr. More like for his own safety but being the true bear he is he would have no quarms going in with the crowd.

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come clean, then. Having written like this, it wouldn’t do to then skive off without relaying my own football background. For the purposes of a book about Rangers which came out three years ago, I had to sit down and work out how many times I visited Ibrox as a boy between 1969 and 1982, and realised it totalled more than 200.

Graham speirs - glasgow herald feb 2010

At the game are we?

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As I said earlier Graham Spiers is a man who thinks because his father was a Baptist Minister , he has the right to accuse others of not being as 'pure' in thought and deed as him.

Graham - not everyone who comes through the gates at Ibrox is Protestant , indeed if you look around on match days you see many people from other ethnic groups such as Sikh, Chinese , Asians , Jewish and ,I am certain ,some Catholics too - in short we are an inclusive support.

As much as that will upset all those Rangers Haters out there it is a fact. FFS our Stadium is in the middle of one of the largest Asian Communties in Glasgow. Race is NEVER an issue for the Rangers Family and for that reason, as well as many others, I am proud to be a part of it.

Everyone is welcome at Ibrox, the exception being, those who support Anti-British Terrorist organisations, as well as any others who are intent on harming the United Kingdom or would seek to force changes on us.

People who have an agenda against Rangers really need to get this into their biased heads, we ,as a support, dont hate Catholics, many of us on this forum will have friends who are Catholics , even family.

But what we do not tolerate are those who want to destroy what we hold dear to our hearts , our club , our memories , our shared history .as well as our lawfull way of life.

Those same people include in their ranks, supporters of filthy terrorist groups who killed not only Protestants but many Catholics too.

These people would be unwelcome in most places, I would think, not just at Ibrox. They are the real bigots Graham.

The Protestants amoung our support , myself included, are certainly not Faux Protestants , we have our beliefs and we are entitled to hold them.

It just so happens that we are Bluenoses too.

Graham- don't dare equate Protestant=Bigot , it is simply not true. By doing this you show yourself up as an attention seeking incompetent, who will do and say anything for some publicity. Being a patriot for your country does not make a man a bigot. Maybe you should understand this.

Graham Spiers is a man who exchanges messages with the bog-living blogger ,Phil Mcwhatever, a piece of crap who regulary fills his blog with not only anti-Rangers bile but also Anti-British-Pro Republican messages and has referred to us ,the Rangers Support, as scum.

Be careful who you make friends with.....eh?

Spiers has also said in print that Celtic fans have a right to celebrate there Irish/Catholic identity but obviously the same rights dont apply to Rangers supporters. What a hypocrite you are Graham.

I wont even enter into allegations about Spiers' private life , mainly because i dont really give a fuck about that kind of stuff.

What I would say to him is - don't use Rangers supporters as a convenient victim to gain you publicity.

I ,for one ,will not sit back and let anyone attack my beiefs ,especially someone as devoid of talent and loyalty to his own, as you Spiers.

God Bless The Rangers

Rangers 1872 - Forever

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Graham Spiers deserves no more threads about him..

That is what feeds his ego and his job...

Ignore him, he is a no mark, not very bright and delusional.

Could not agree more .Feel free to punch fuck out of him if you ever meet this rodent lover

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Could not agree more .Feel free to punch fuck out of him if you ever meet this rodent lover

I agree that we shouldnt be giving him publicity , but we have to start making it clear that we won't allow others to say what they want about us without a response.

That's part of the reason we have been beaten up for so long.

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As I said earlier Graham Spiers is a man who thinks because his father was a Baptist Minister , he has the right to accuse others of not being as 'pure' in thought and deed as him.

Graham - not everyone who comes through the gates at Ibrox is Protestant , indeed if you look around on match days you see many people from other ethnic groups such as Sikh, Chinese , Asians , Jewish and ,I am certain ,some Catholics too - in short we are an inclusive support.

As much as that will upset all those Rangers Haters out there it is a fact. FFS our Stadium is in the middle of one of the largest Asian Communties in Glasgow. Race is NEVER an issue for the Rangers Family and for that reason, as well as many others, I am proud to be a part of it.

Everyone is welcome at Ibrox, the exception being, those who support Anti-British Terrorist organisations, as well as any others who are intent on harming the United Kingdom or would seek to force changes on us.

People who have an agenda against Rangers really need to get this into their biased heads, we ,as a support, dont hate Catholics, many of us on this forum will have friends who are Catholics , even family.

But what we do not tolerate are those who want to destroy what we hold dear to our hearts , our club , our memories , our shared history .as well as our lawfull way of life.

Those same people include in their ranks, supporters of filthy terrorist groups who killed not only Protestants but many Catholics too.

These people would be unwelcome in most places, I would think, not just at Ibrox. They are the real bigots Graham.

The Protestants amoung our support , myself included, are certainly not Faux Protestants , we have our beliefs and we are entitled to hold them.

It just so happens that we are Bluenoses too.

Graham- don't dare equate Protestant=Bigot , it is simply not true. By doing this you show yourself up as an attention seeking incompetent, who will do and say anything for some publicity. Being a patriot for your country does not make a man a bigot. Maybe you should understand this.

Graham Spiers is a man who exchanges messages with the bog-living blogger ,Phil Mcwhatever, a piece of crap who regulary fills his blog with not only anti-Rangers bile but also Anti-British-Pro Republican messages and has referred to us ,the Rangers Support, as scum.

Be careful who you make friends with.....eh?

Spiers has also said in print that Celtic fans have a right to celebrate there Irish/Catholic identity but obviously the same rights dont apply to Rangers supporters. What a hypocrite you are Graham.

I wont even enter into allegations about Spiers' private life , mainly because i dont really give a fuck about that kind of stuff.

What I would say to him is - don't use Rangers supporters as a convenient victim to gain you publicity.

I ,for one ,will not sit back and let anyone attack my beiefs ,especially someone as devoid of talent and loyalty to his own, as you Spiers.

God Bless The Rangers

Rangers 1872 - Forever

well said my friend,my sentiments exactly (tu):21:

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Where is the evidence to state to the contrary good sir? There is no mention of it in any of the research I have seen/read/done of the early years.

John Ure Primrose (Chairman of Rangers from 1912-23, but a member of the club since 1887) would be the closest thing to a link of Rangers and protestantism (well, opposition to the Home Rule) in the early years that I've seen.

It's no black and white thing, 1912 will be a general date of a link between Protestatism and Rangers support, I can't imagine upon the first day of Harland and Wolff's opening in Govan the club suddenly gained a hugely Protestant following (exageration, I know) and I'm sure there were fans of Rangers pre-1912 that were of protestant belief.

I believe it to have been a culmination of the location of Ibrox in proximity to the shipyards, John Ure Primrose upon becoming chairman of the club (both 1912) and protestant football fans within Glasgow wanting a team to support, obviously they weren't going to Parkhead to watch their football week in week out! Of course the Northern Irish shipyard workers of Protestant belief would have met up with like minded individuals in Glasgow, and I'm sure we gained a good amount of support through that too. "Come on and see this team we've started watching in Govan!"

Unless you were there as a supporter from the early days of 1872, and for the next 50 years consistently it'll be hard to exactly pinpoint how the support changed without first hand sources speaking about it. Interestingly Willie Maley of Celtic's early years is the only opinion I've seen mention it, stating that he thought there was no bad blood between the teams and support pre-1912.

Slightly off topic, I also read an article in a newspaper from the time about our team whilst they were at Kinning Park, mentioning what appeared to be a 'well off' contingent to our support complaining about the 'common' element that had started to appear at our games, making noise and causing fights. (I'll have to try dig that article out).

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence....

Well it is really, but it's just evidence, not proof.

Anyway thanks for your reply, to be honest I pretty well agree with your sentiments, the most pertinent points being that of course Rangers fans didn't adopt a completely new identity overnight; and the role/influence of Primrose, who was at the Club in the 1880s. That of course does raise the interesting possibility that the Club was adopting or had adopted a Protestant/ Unionist identity before the scruff in the East End decided to push Scottish Football down the sectarian road.

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As I said earlier Graham Spiers is a man who thinks because his father was a Baptist Minister , he has the right to accuse others of not being as 'pure' in thought and deed as him.

Graham - not everyone who comes through the gates at Ibrox is Protestant , indeed if you look around on match days you see many people from other ethnic groups such as Sikh, Chinese , Asians , Jewish and ,I am certain ,some Catholics too - in short we are an inclusive support.

As much as that will upset all those Rangers Haters out there it is a fact. FFS our Stadium is in the middle of one of the largest Asian Communties in Glasgow. Race is NEVER an issue for the Rangers Family and for that reason, as well as many others, I am proud to be a part of it.

Everyone is welcome at Ibrox, the exception being, those who support Anti-British Terrorist organisations, as well as any others who are intent on harming the United Kingdom or would seek to force changes on us.

People who have an agenda against Rangers really need to get this into their biased heads, we ,as a support, dont hate Catholics, many of us on this forum will have friends who are Catholics , even family.

But what we do not tolerate are those who want to destroy what we hold dear to our hearts , our club , our memories , our shared history .as well as our lawfull way of life.

Those same people include in their ranks, supporters of filthy terrorist groups who killed not only Protestants but many Catholics too.

These people would be unwelcome in most places, I would think, not just at Ibrox. They are the real bigots Graham.

The Protestants amoung our support , myself included, are certainly not Faux Protestants , we have our beliefs and we are entitled to hold them.

It just so happens that we are Bluenoses too.

Graham- don't dare equate Protestant=Bigot , it is simply not true. By doing this you show yourself up as an attention seeking incompetent, who will do and say anything for some publicity. Being a patriot for your country does not make a man a bigot. Maybe you should understand this.

Graham Spiers is a man who exchanges messages with the bog-living blogger ,Phil Mcwhatever, a piece of crap who regulary fills his blog with not only anti-Rangers bile but also Anti-British-Pro Republican messages and has referred to us ,the Rangers Support, as scum.

Be careful who you make friends with.....eh?

Spiers has also said in print that Celtic fans have a right to celebrate there Irish/Catholic identity but obviously the same rights dont apply to Rangers supporters. What a hypocrite you are Graham.

I wont even enter into allegations about Spiers' private life , mainly because i dont really give a fuck about that kind of stuff.

What I would say to him is - don't use Rangers supporters as a convenient victim to gain you publicity.

I ,for one ,will not sit back and let anyone attack my beiefs ,especially someone as devoid of talent and loyalty to his own, as you Spiers.

God Bless The Rangers

Rangers 1872 - Forever

Terrific Post (tu)

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