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The re-write of history has begun


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So the re-writing of history has begun now that Ranger's have found wtihin themselves a spokesperson who is not afraid to speak out against the recent vindicitive behaviour shown to our club in it's darkest hour.

Speirs is not the first and will certainly not be the last who will pen Orwellian stories in order to lambast our Chief Executive, Charles Green. Whether you trust Green and his backers or not, no Rangers fan will have been against Green's latest statements to the press regarding bigotry or agenda against Rangers.

The interesting point regarding Mr Green's claim to bigotry is that whilst every journalist in Scotland has scoffed at the idea, and clubs have saw fit to laugh off the claims as not worth replying to (in a statement released to the press doing exactly that), not one single journalist has attempted to consider the very proper and appropriate usuage of the word. In every piece penned by the 4th estate that I have read, Mr Green's charge has been swept away as populist bravado to encourage season ticket sales, that in itself is a dig at the Rangers support. Mr Green has given very vald examples of this bigotry. The fact that clubs allowed their vocal fans to dictate SPL business, those same fans who have been shown in their own forums to be full of bile and hatred, gives strong evidence to Mr Green's claims. The very fact that a 'Sellout Saturday' was needed lends further weight to Mr Green's claim the opinions from the vocal fans was based on hatred of Rangers and not any sporting view of integrity. These fans saw an opportunity to put a kick into Rangers and mobilised to do exactly that, then walked away from their supposed own club when it needed them. You would have thought this newsworthy, instead it is dismissed with no further investigation.

His second claim to have sent the pens scribbling furiously, is that there is an agenda against Rangers. So far this has gone much the same way as the previous claim to bigotry. Dismissed as populist rumblings to endear Mr Green to the support. What is despicable is that the press are undertaking the defence of the SFA and SPL, either through sympathetic interviews or through dismissive pieces in the papers. According to Graham Speirs, we should believe that deep down Stewart Regan is 'aghast' at Rangers being in the 3rd division and that he wanted all along for Rangers to be in the SPL. All true Mr Speirs, but extremely misleading and a downright re-write of history, he is 'aghast' because of the complete mess he has made of crippling Rangers whilst ensuring those clubs with bigotted support continue to benefit from the revenue Rangers create.

We have SFL Chairmen who are on record stating the SFA Chief Exec threatened them and lied to them. We have leaked documents that show an organised group of SFA members and SPL Chairman had already decided on a raft of punishments that would negate Rangers Football Club competing in either the SPL or the 1st division. We have heard evidence from Lord Glennie that sanctions imposed by the SFA were made up. We have the questionable appointment of Harper MacLeod to 'investigate' Rangers use of EBTs whilst story after story already has decided the punishment.

To balance the view of Rangers fans you would look wider than Scotland and see how other associations and cultures have tackled the problems of financial mismanagement (never mind alleged fraud). Just a quick jaunt over the border shows that Rangers were barely worth mentioning other than updates to the progress of administration, after all Leeds and Portsmouth were already leading the way with this and it was not viewed as a national disgrace nor costing soldiers their lifes or nurses their jobs.

In Spain football clubs are massively indebted to the tax authorities and are likely in breach FIFA guidelines regarding debt owed to tax authorities, the Spanish goverment agreed a settlement to slowly repay €750m of tax debt and €600m of social security tax from clubs. For balance, Rangers parent company was consigned to liquidation for missing 6 months worth of PAYE/NIC (September to February), totalling some £9m + interest and penalties.

Meanwhile, at EVERY turn of this miserable path Craig Whyte has taken our proud club down, our fellow association clubs, governing bodies and press have sought to build roadblocks and obstacles in our path. Their timing of announcements cleverly orchestrated to cause maximum disruption to a critical time path of administration, the constant negative reporting and their 'whipping' of the frenzy to punish Rangers, but not for failing to pay 6 months of PAYE/NIC, but for the petty and vindictive reason that Rangers have been trouncing their teams and dominating their national sport since its inception.

What is most ironic is that our enemies attempts at sabotaging our club has probably ensured its very survival. A Rangers in the SPL with no sanctions, a huge wage bill (players wouldn't have left) and no European money MIGHT have withered as supporters (glory hunters) stay away as we would not be able to compete. However, with their bigot fans rejecting us and with the upstanding SFL refusing to be bullied or bribed, our support has awoken from its slumber and has mobilised. Rangers may well be playing in the 3rd divsion, but it has been a long time since the blood was burning so strongly in Rangers viens.

So while this writer still has suspicions regarding the owners of Rangers, I'm fully supportive and behind Mr Green's comments.

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Eric Blair(George Orwell) penned his seminal tome whilst summering on the Isle of Jura.

I would be delighted if we could exile ra Bhoy in Corduroy, the Slug, Nuremberg Hugh, Rheinhart Gordon, Jim Spence, Stuart Cosgrove ....................... et al to the same island.

Midges have got to eat.

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Pretty decent summation - it seems our 'journalists' forget some of the other shite surrounding our treatment - I fully believe Regan wanted us in the SPL - he aint stupid (just incompetent and not fit for purpose) but he wanted us there but crippled by sanctions!

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Pretty decent summation - it seems our 'journalists' forget some of the other shite surrounding our treatment - I fully believe Regan wanted us in the SPL - he aint stupid (just incompetent and not fit for purpose) but he wanted us there but crippled by sanctions!

if that was the case why did he inform the SPL/SFL chairmen that he would veto any attempt to have us in the SPL?

It was first dividsion or nothing, sure. That statement was put out by and SFL cahiarman.

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Eric Blair(George Orwell) penned his seminal tome whilst summering on the Isle of Jura.

I would be delighted if we could exile ra Bhoy in Corduroy, the Slug, Nuremberg Hugh, Rheinhart Gordon, Jim Spence, Stuart Cosgrove ....................... et al to the same island.

Midges have got to eat.

What did the poor folk on Jura do to you?

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