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A message to the morons


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I have read through all the neg and pos responses to my post and I'm far from a decking attention seeker which I have been called. I post topics now and again when I feel strongly enough about something, hardly posting for attention??

Anyway, I have also seen us listing 'internationals' as a reason we should have a Devine right to hump every team we currently come up against... Currently we have TWO internationals, and they play for an awful N. Ireland team.

The Spl class players are guys who either came for the money or (hopefully) always wanted to play for us and this was their only realistic chance. As I have said repeatedly, these guys have been getting knocked out of cups by part timers ther whole career, why do we expect to throw a bunch of em together and they will horse these same outfits??

I don't believe ally is a good tactician in the slightest, but I find it hilarious that people think this is a job someone would die for who could guaranteed do any better!! You get no thanks or praise for getting rangers 3 straight promotions, it's simply expected. As illustrated many of you who continue to say we should 'walk' leagues.

I don't care about reps or anything of the sort. I enjoy the for as a source of chat about our club, I may have even over emotional in some of the way I portrayed it on Tuesday but underneath all that I still believe my point was valid.

I have enjoyed those who have come back with a well thought out and structured response and respect the views, those who type 4 words. Again, fuck off.

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One week later, and I've never felt more justified in my puff! Well done all those who haven't turned there back on someone who's done more for this club than anyone this forum will ever produce!!

Super Ally, Mourinho you are not... But you got a cracker of a performance out the boys tonight!! We earned tonight through sheer hard work and determination, not an expectancy to beat anyone cos we signed 4 SPL players. The more we as supporters and the players realise that, the quicker and more attractive our rise to the top shall be!! WATP

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Watp ally will come good I bet my fuckin life on it. Gee the man the chance he had an awesome teacher that can not be denied, i trust walters judgement 100% Walter trusts ally= I trust ally no ifs no buts the man deserves nothing less. Where would we be if he walked away?? Ask yourself tht next time u call for his heid!!!!!! Because I'll tell you facing fucking Armageddon thats where we would have been, wallace jig Alexander are all there churning their guts out for ally and the bears are backing the team that much is true,but surely ally's part of the team and should not be abused, ask yourself who would do better job ?? Who would want tht job at the moment ?

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