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Protest Tomorrow Night


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"Let's be clear about this, Mike Ashley wants to take Ibrox from us. So let's think for a moment about what that means on a personal level.

We are talking about a football ground that many of us hold dear, a ground that has belonged to The Rangers since 1899 and holds countless memories.

Take a look at the Bill Struth Stand and think about what that means to you.

It might be Dynamo Moscow, it might be Davie cooper on the wing, it might be Parma or Aberdeen in the title decider, or it might just be having a bovril with your Dad or your mates.

Now, a non entity from Newcastle wants to take this from you. He wants to brand it with tacky advertising, he wants to let it run down and become a shabby and rickety old building, he wants to strip away the integrity, pride and joy that our home has given us.

But worse still, He wants to rip out the heart and soul of the club that you love to generate as much money for him as possible. He doesn't care about how you feel every time you catch a glimpse of the red bricks, or the memories that the blue gates invoke, he just wants your money.

I first attended a game with my Father and Grandfather, I had my wedding reception there and countess other magical days and nights there. I will never give up on the club that I love or the ground that I regard as home without giving every ounce of energy I have in fighting to hold on to our heritage.

So I implore you to attend the demonstration at Ibrox on Friday at 7pm.

Please, for the people who have gone before us, and for those that we hope will go in the future.

Attend the demonstration, protect our heritage, our club, our memories and our future.

I hope to see you there."
Credit to checkpointcharlie of FF.
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