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New FA annoucements on abuse cover ups


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The FA announcing they are to listen to claims of clubs  making hush payments and other persuasive incentives to victims families. They are to liaise with police forces with enquiries concentrating on specific claims of hush money offered to those involved with the intention of keeping abuse quiet and in house. 

It does indeed seem this is an issue that's not going to just go away. They are also saying once investigations are complete any clubs found guilty will be subject to very strong sanctions. Absolutely no dispensation will be given regardless of the size of any clubs involved.

Given the tone and implications of these investigations it would seem the FA are very concious of their own reputation in all of this and are promising no stone will be left unturned.

Let's hope for the good of the game and more importantly the victims of abuse themselves, that our own FA north of the border intend to be equally vigilant.

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