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Rangers savings accounts going well


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RANGERS fans will be able to boost their savings and score a cash hit for the club thanks to its latest signing.

The club has put pen to paper with Alan Wardrop of Soccer Savings to offer fans their own official Rangers savings accounts.

The accounts lets savers help their favourite club every time they deposit money in their account, with a percentage of the interest earned going back to their club.

It has proved to be a huge success with the other side of the Old Firm, with Celtic fans depositing more than £1million in just six months when its scheme launched in 2006.

And although it has been advertised on Rangers' website for only a week, £150,000 has been deposited by fans.

Alan said: "The Rangers contract is a huge coup for Soccer Savings.

"We are delighted that Rangers have come on board - it is great for us as a company, the club and the supporters. Everybody wins.

"We're sure that Rangers fans will prove as enthusiastic as the fans of other clubs who have become involved.

"As a business we are delighted to have secured a deal with a club of such stature.

"And it is great for the fans as it will encourage even more people to get into the habit of saving."

The scheme, which is jointly delivered with Dunfermline Building Society, offers fans of clubs across Britain a savings account and at the same time allows them to put money into the clubs they support.

It offers a tiered system of interest rates which rise depending on the size of the deposit.

There are other spin-offs for savers, such as exclusive meet and greets with players from their clubs, and toys and memorabilia for junior accounts.

Alan is now working on deals with three other SFL teams which should be sealed this season.

That would mean Soccer Savings offering savings accounts for around half of the professional football clubs in Scotland.

In just two years, more than £30m has been deposited by fans, which has resulted in a £300,000 kickback to the different clubs involved.

Alan said: "The figures are phenomenal. Our aim from the start was to encourage a saving culture'.

"There's been a good uptake in our junior accounts so the signs are positive."


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