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the feeling when when won in italy was the best memory for me, my reaction will always live with me.

the amount of pride i had as a rangers fan was unbelievable (never got a ticket for manc)

3 months on and after that pish we have seen just now, i feel lower than a snakes belly

so so so dissapointed

walter knew the weaknesess last season, we all knew them

so he goes and buys strikers, then doesn't play them , instead plays roadrunner who cani fucking score

2 mins to go bring on the cavalry

not to mention the midfield shambles




walter you are the weakest link........................ goodbye

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Totally-it's not been an easy spell for the Rangers fans.

Last real high I had was beating Fiorentina.Losing in Manchester then blowing the league and now goign out of Europe has hit us all hard.

It's part and parcel of following a big club and I'm willing to take the good with the bad.However,"bad" and "Rangers" shouldn't be happening to such an extent.Tonight was not a blip,it was an example of the downward spiral Rangers are suffering from due to the stagnant beauracracies and Old Boys network that continues to exist at our beloved club.

Rangers should be grateful for the passion and dedication of the support becuase at the end of the day we are no better run than Gretna.

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