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Monkey Butler

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Everything posted by Monkey Butler

  1. Just finished watching the highlights there. Conditions made it mental, but Hamilton finishing 2nd after going off and ending up back in 9th just proves how good a driver he is. Some crash between Russell and Bottas!
  2. First race I've watched in years (renewed interest after watching the Netflix series) and thoroughly enjoyed it. Was never really up on the tactical side of it but now find that's one of the most interesting aspects. I did nod off for about 10 laps though at one point, just like the old BBC Grandstand days
  3. A fit James Forrest would've won that for them tonight.
  4. And there's no way he's being paid £2.4 million per year which some people are reporting. Lawwell is paying him nearly 50K per week? Not a chance.
  5. We've now had 1 year rolling, 1 year annual renewal and now fixed to 2023. I think this tells me that no one really knows
  6. I thought it was an annual renewal rather than a rolling year? Same point though, Lawwell will be probably be hoping he resigns or breaches his contract so he doesn't have to be paid off.
  7. Looks to me that Lawwell knows the season has gone and wants to avoid paying him off. Wants him to resign/find another job, but if not then happy to just run down his contract, announcing a new manager for the next season at the time of season ticket renewal. Lennon digging in and wanting paid off.
  8. Do we know the second player who contracted covid yet?
  9. No idea, but I get the feeling he's now holding out for a pay-off and Lawwell wants him to resign to save money.
  10. Might've already been mentioned, but rumour floating around that Lennon would be due £1.2 million if sacked, hence the stand-off.
  11. She could do a lot of things mate, but she's not going to cancel all sports just because of Neil Lennon having a meltdown or because of some spastic tarriers phoning into radio shows. Case numbers are on the decrease and watching elite sports/football are one of the few things keeping people's mental health together. Plus, it's an election year. You really think Scottish football will get shut down while football in England and everywhere else in the world continues?
  12. As long as football continues in England, it will continue in Scotland. Mad tarriers being mad won't make a difference.
  13. Few posters will be along shortly to tell us all that it's all part of Lawwell and Lennon's grand plan. Lawwell: "Right Shane, we want you to fuck off early from Dubai, come back with covid, then deliberately infect a few opposition players. In the meantime we've deliberately infected Julien so that most of the first team and Lenny have to isolate. Then we're going to let Gavin Strachan take the team because he's fucking useless and won't win either of the matches, which means the media will give Lenny a hard time thereby giving Lenny a convincing excuse to go full retard to the media and to rile up the government enough to shut the whole fucking thing down". Shane: "Could you write that down for me Peter?"
  14. He's simply having a meltdown after simmering away for 2 weeks in isolation watching, reading and listening to the media, fans and even his ex team mates slaughter him in public. He's not orchestrating some kind of grand Machiavellian plan to have the season voided.
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