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Everything posted by Gid

  1. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes* aye but some people eat yoo kno.... i.e Juliet Was she looking for a feed like? I did buy a 24pack of crisps for the party! lol she found them some guy kept bringing her packets way to that girls heart lol It could have been anyone. There were a number of smoothies at mine the other night - I wasnt one of them! wee chrissy nice guy =] Chrissy is hilarious! =] i've found the luff of my life what a guy You could do a lot worse. lol i really could but it was stevie getting her crisps i think whichever one was sitting with her for ages and wasnt Kev You mean Steebie? lol Now he is a character!
  2. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes* aye but some people eat yoo kno.... i.e Juliet Was she looking for a feed like? I did buy a 24pack of crisps for the party! lol she found them some guy kept bringing her packets way to that girls heart lol It could have been anyone. There were a number of smoothies at mine the other night - I wasnt one of them! wee chrissy nice guy =] Chrissy is hilarious! =] i've found the luff of my life what a guy You could do a lot worse.
  3. Who's all going? umm anyone my room could easily fit 25 as long as no one wants to move Im happy with that. Moving is over-rated.
  4. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes* aye but some people eat yoo kno.... i.e Juliet Was she looking for a feed like? I did buy a 24pack of crisps for the party! lol she found them some guy kept bringing her packets way to that girls heart lol It could have been anyone. There were a number of smoothies at mine the other night - I wasnt one of them! wee chrissy nice guy =] Chrissy is hilarious!
  5. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes* aye but some people eat yoo kno.... i.e Juliet Was she looking for a feed like? I did buy a 24pack of crisps for the party! lol she found them some guy kept bringing her packets way to that girls heart lol It could have been anyone. There were a number of smoothies at mine the other night - I wasnt one of them!
  6. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes* aye but some people eat yoo kno.... i.e Juliet Was she looking for a feed like? I did buy a 24pack of crisps for the party!
  7. Food only takes up valuable beer space in the fridge! *sakes*
  8. Tidied up my flat since the party the other night. Just the thought of having to go home and clean it up is knackering! Anyone good at housework that wants to volunteer?
  9. Gid


    <_< B) dont give me that look Whats wrong with that look? its a gay look =] What else did you expect? <_< nothing =] hows ur bf, working today?
  10. Work has finally calmed down. Quite quiet now. I'm manning the fort maself tonight. Hope the board is busy to keep me occupied.
  11. Gid


    <_< B) dont give me that look Whats wrong with that look? its a gay look =] What else did you expect? <_<
  12. Hey everyone. How we all doing?
  13. Gid


    <_< B) dont give me that look Whats wrong with that look?
  14. Gid


    Get it eaten! B)
  15. Gid


    Spamtastic (horse)
  16. zees thread lacks effeecienceeeee!
  17. This customer has been going on at me for 40mins now. I'm stressed out ma nut!
  18. I think I hate you!
  19. I'm working till 8pm tonight. I'm hungover and its seriously busy. What idiot wants to remortgage on January 2nd??? Anyone else suffering from back to work blues?
  20. Gid


    <_< lol i thought drinking was a forum rule =] Nah, its just my rule. lol gid seal of approval for drinking during the day <yes> Gid loves drinking during the day
  21. lol y is it ur fav? =] 4 hot chicks and a ginger dancing around. You do the math! lol i'm gd at maths like working out d.o.b's for a 14 year old =] LMAO!
  22. Gid


    <_< lol i thought drinking was a forum rule =] Nah, its just my rule.
  23. Gid


    You on the wine already today?
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