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Mrs Boyd

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Everything posted by Mrs Boyd

  1. :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:
  2. Awwww goo youuu <spinnir> Now u should have a wee beer or 3 too celebrate (beer) :turtle: x
  3. (wve) Nothing much kinda bored How was football ? :turtle: x
  4. Awwww wee shame At least u get time off school then eh :turtle:
  5. it wasnt you (hah) <piss> (beer) but i just thought id be nice and smile at you you smile at me are you drunk too ? nope im just in a nice mood :turtle:
  6. Mrs Boyd


    Penguinssssss <3 <bouncy> x
  7. Awww Mrs B there lovleyy He should buy u a nice top and shoes 2 match x
  8. This wee sing songs cheerin me up <bouncy> Keep goin
  9. Up too the pub in larkhall <bouncy> :turtle: x
  10. DONTTTT please :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: No need for that Yes there wasss :turtle: :turtle:
  11. Goooo get drunk ...thats what am doing 2night :turtle: :turtle:
  12. DONTTTT please :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:
  13. Did u hear her sing there :o Omggg she was brilliant at it
  14. Fix me me me .....Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :turtle: xx
  15. :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: Thought id add a couple more :turtle:
  16. :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:
  17. :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:
  18. :turtle: :turtle: Hes sooo amusinnnnng :turtle:
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