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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    Firefox questions...

    how would it? sorry I dont understand, surely if you have more than 3 tabs it just takes up more cpu.
  2. if the DNS has failed then, go to where u changed the IP, change the default gateway to the IP of your PC, and then the same with the 'preferred' DNS server.
  3. if it is automatically connected, then set EVERYTHING to auto, ie, the PC and xbox. it should work, it obviously doesn't if your having trouble.. i'll need to think about this one.
  4. ok, well set an IP for that, for example,, then set the IP address on the xbox to before that though, is your modem always on? or do you have to create the connection when you log on to windows? My modem is always on. Your talking to a complete idiot though, so you have to explain what you mean... I've no got a clue! haha, well, when you log on to windows, before you go on the internet, do you need to dial anything? or are you automatically connected? sounds like the latter.
  5. Ryan

    internet problem

    hope so, is it windows live you've got? that's whats playing up, so i got rid, but I couldnt download version msn 7.5, so tried windows msn... and that still doesnt work
  6. ok, well set an IP for that, for example,, then set the IP address on the xbox to before that though, is your modem always on? or do you have to create the connection when you log on to windows?
  7. ok cool, if you go to 'network connections' and then right click local area connection, and then properties, then in the general tab scroll down until 'internet protocol', then properties again. does it say 'obtain IP address automatically'?
  8. Modem mate. have you set up your IP address from your PC?
  9. Ryan

    internet problem

    having trouble with my internet, its probably jus the isp, but it's annoying me. I can't connect to msn, or if I try to go on hotmail it doesn't work either, or even the microsoft site... but rangersmedia works and other sites! odd..
  10. first of all, what is your xbox connected to? router, modem, pc?
  11. centre back I think? he looks a decent player. he was moved into midfield for the nigeria game though
  12. not really fair to the other players tho is it well.. obviously.. but he did ask.
  13. you can continue if no1's on if you are the host..
  14. there was 1 defender that was outstanding against us, but it could have been cruchaga?
  15. patience wih this game is wearing thin, 06 was such a better game. was 3-0 up against psg, away from home, somehow my team manages to fall apart and i lose 5-3, wtf is all that about, it seems really random at times. 06 ftw
  16. good point fish, only 1 or 2 if we're lucky make it into the first team every season
  17. isnt that the young keeper that came on against hearts (ecks last game?) he looked quite a good prospect.
  18. Ryan

    Gears Of War

    do as whats been suggested, once he's near you, roll and roadie run to the mounted machine gun at the back and let rip
  19. we were utter crap. I thought we had a pretty good team??? obviously not. couldn't even string 3 passes together and we made the Japs look world class. really disappointed
  20. Shows what you know!!! how the hell does that show what I know? where you not excited last season when PLG came in?
  21. wouldnt say easy.. it's not going to be a walkover!
  22. the past few seasons i've been confident.. and look how that turned out!
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