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Posts posted by Gazzas_Flute

  1. Aye cause he chose that name when he was born didn't he? Not that 'leading' a group was ever spoke about, but you would rather stand with a racist than someone who is called 'shaun' because you think thats T*rrier like. Fucking hell.

    I'm sure it was used for effect, not to be taken literally.

    But to be honest, I just want my Ashely cole aff him so will defend him regardless in an attempt to impress him.

  2. What route is everyone doing to this trip?

    Me and Andy are doing the following:

    Wed 9th March - Edinburgh 18:45 to Amsterdam 21:00

    Sat 12th March - Amsterdam 17:30 to Edinburgh 18:00

    Car parking at Edinburgh airport is £22.

    Our digs are £100 each for 3 nights, located right at Dam Square.

    Getting Glassy bus most likely from Dam to Eindhoven, if not, it will be train which takes 1h30mins and costs 22 euro.

    Happy days! :beer1:

    I like the sound of that!!

  3. Whilst I like the idea, not for me! Replica clad weans.

    Their banner is the Union Flag, which is the wrong way round! Good luck regardless, I can see them fizzling out soon enough though; similar to the Govan Front Bears.

  4. Don't jump on the " ultras " bandwagon simply because of the GB, it was inevitable something like this was going to come of it. There is an unbelievable cost behind starting a group, some don't realise. A group has already tried and failed in the Govan within the last year, don't make the same mistake as them; join one of the already established groups.

    Too many chiefs not enough Indians ;)

  5. :lol:

    Got home late last night. Just headed straight to my aunties with 10 bottles of Peroni. Was in no fit state to go home and unpack :lol:

    Always get a good laugh with you and Martini. You's going to Turkey next month?

    :lol: I've got had a swally since tuesday, think I'm staying off it all weekend.

    Aye mate we will be there, looking forward to it! I take it you'll be there as well :D ?

  6. Haha yeah.

    You two get home ok? I've still got that wee monkey keyring I found who's eyes light up. Forgot all about that :happy:

    :lol: :lol:

    Aye mate got home wednesday afternoon, felt like a burst baw! You ? Some poor wean canny sleep at night now cause they've not got their monkey keyring, ya horrible bastirt :D

  7. Haha :D

    Only moved it twice and once was because a dirty big meat wagon pulled up and no cunt could see it :disappointment:

    Aye that was a cunt of a move!

    It attracted some amount of attention the first few hours I was there as well, guys walking by themselves and setting the timer on their phone for a photo :lol:

  8. So whats the plan? Banners, letters? A facebook group is a start, but I hope thats not all :lol:

    It is most definitely not all we have planned, we have a big list of aims we hope to hit by the end of the season.

    The Facebook page was just started originally to spread word about and gauges the fans reaction. The feedback we have received so far has been brilliant so we can take it from here and push for this.

    Watch this space ;)

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