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Everything posted by TheMotor

  1. I agree he is no loss but he did not choose Cardiff because they can offer more money than Rangers; he chose Cardiff because we didn't offer anything at all. Wasn't really a choice.
  2. Diouf ain't coming back. To the OP: suspect, as most do, that Goodwillie is the number 1 target.
  3. Dear, oh fucking dear. This was such a decent thread too.
  4. Legally, the SFA have said that they can't stop them. Whether there is then a quiet word in Levein's ear and they lose any future in the Scotland team is another matter.
  5. Totally agree. There will be leaks from agents and sometimes from reluctant selling clubs, but the number of stories that appear to originate from Ibrox is a wee bit worrying.
  6. Admins, can we have a quota on the number of squealing wee girlies in a thread at any one time please? The number of drama queens with pish-stained panties in here is just fucking ridiculous. So we didn't offer a contract to a potential freebie from Dundee Utd? So what? Ally drew up an A-List and a B-List of potential targets. If Conway was anything other than near the bottom of the B-List, I would be well surprised.
  7. Sounds exactly as it should. Take care of the contracts and business side of things to meet McCoists requirements and be available to advise if wanted without just shoving his oar in. I also like the fact that he will be based at Murray Park and gets a chance to build a relationship with the players, which should help at contract renewal time.
  8. Interesting view on this from a celtc supporting writer: Spiked
  9. Dream scenario might be: Linfield beat Bate Borisov Linfield draw Gers Gers beat Linfield after 2 massive parties (1st game, away, everyone supports Linfield - no away bears ya see , 2nd game, home, everyone supports Gers) and romp through group stages Tims scrape through Europa League 3rd qualifying round on away goals - nae victories allowed Linfield drop into Europa League playoff round and draw the tims Linfield pump tims out of Europe and enjoy Europa League group stages Everyone who matters is happy.
  10. And now the complete numpty who made the complaint should be arrested for wasting police time; the police officers who decided an arrest was merited should be fired for incompetence and the first member of the PF's office who opened the file, and failed to instantly bin it, should follow them. None of which will happen of course.
  11. I love the supporting argument that Everton use this and that this is a good thing. FM did not identify and recommend Fellaini, Hiddink did, and he cost them a club record 15 million. Hardly a steal. Bilyaletdinov was a Russian young player of the year and cost nearly 9 million. Another cheap gem unearthed by FM, eh? Not really, they want to flog him.......and they will probably make a loss on the deal. Where are the rest of these great players unearthed by FM, and cited by their clubs as being signed based on the scouting for the game? Would love to see the press reports for them.
  12. Very easy to be disappointed with this if you are from a small European nation, support a team from a small European nation, and fed up seeing the life being sucked out of any competition in Europe by the big clubs in the big leagues chucking their weight around.
  13. Very good OP and I heartily agree. We can be fairly certain, though, that those screaming loudest about never backing down, no laws and no self-regulation, will be those who are currently doing most to bring these restrictions about. The proposed law is attention-seeking nonsense of the worst order but unfortunately some users of football forums do appear to be seriously unbalanced. The politicians, however, appear unable, or unwilling, to differentiate between the genuine bampot and the 12 year-old keyboard warrior getting a woody because, for the first time in his life, he can threaten and abuse without getting a slap. I am actually quite sure that the police can tell the difference but this proposed new law gives them such wide-ranging powers that they are obviously fully behind it.
  14. Very disappointed in Andre(w) if this is true. Fancied seeing his attempt at breaking the big league's stranglehold on the CL.
  15. WKS Slask Wroclaw vs Dundee Utd Not easy. Polish team who came second in their league last year. Crusaders vs winners of Fulham match
  16. Neither Greig nor McLelland put their names to the statement. The others did.
  17. TNS vs Cliftonville Fulham vs NSÍ Renova vs Glentoran All in qualifying round 1 Dundee Utd coming up soon in round 2 Really hope Dundee Utd and Hearts get to the group stages. We need that co-efficient up and don't want the animals to be any part of that, thank you very much.
  18. Not sure why Bain thinks he has a leg to stand on. Putting your name to a statement made on your company's public website effectively saying that you believe your new owner has purchased the business under false pretences would almost certainly count as gross misconduct. Mr Jones is probably correct, though, and a settlement will be reached just to reduce damage in the press.
  19. The ever-reliable turkish press are saying that Bursa may have turned their attention to Scott Brown as we will not drop our asking price for Edu and he is more likely to join Blackburn. They still think they are getting Whittaker though. Personally think their news reports are full of poo but they are at least entertaining if you don't take em too seriously.
  20. Don't have the answer to that one but Mallorcan fan sites are reporting that he turned down a bigger contract offer from us. Guess it was the prestige of La Liga and the sunshine that did it.
  21. Best just to put the whiny wee cunt on ignore. Shortens nearly every thread to reasonable proportions and makes them far more enjoyable.
  22. So many heavy threads on here at the moment, I thought we needed something a bit more frivolous. Who has a connection to any Rangers player(s) past or present, no matter how tenuous? This is the exact thread for that "my Aunties' brothers' dog once bit Gazza." type story. No proof to back the story up is required cos you're not getting famous from this one. just give us some thing interesting. I have two to start us off: Derek Grierson, Rangers Striker in the 1950s was my maths teacher in school. My uncle, Jimmy Jack, was club secretary and coach at Glasgow United and Glasgow Amateurs, and helped to bring through Alex O'Hara and Alex MacDonald. On you go......
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