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Everything posted by chris182

  1. T Burns seemed an honest, decent guy. Both are qualities a good manager should have. Popcorn Teeth is neither of these things
  2. Usual classless wanker. 'Killie didn't deserve to win'
  3. Jesus its a conspiracy. This should be all about Killie not a pen incident
  4. Listen to poor old Rhob - well gutted. Up ye!
  5. ...oh yeah, and FUCK YOU SEPTIC
  6. Yeah agreed - didn't help I got the south park character wrong
  7. Fucking dirty wankers, goading the support wi that shite song. They'll soon be laughing on the other side of their faces when we're back on top - watch this space
  8. I've a feeling the CVA won't be nearing a conclusion until the HMRC case verdict is known
  9. Good luck to him as a previous player but won't mourn his loss to be honest
  10. This - we've a right to be sceptical of any unknowns coming in
  11. How are the club to blame for what SDM and Whyte has done? Beggars belief!
  12. Nobody is worth more than 100k a year, nevermind 8m a year! The gap between the average salary and these individuals is staggering
  13. Hope he gets a game next season
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