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Brackley Bluenose

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Posts posted by Brackley Bluenose

  1. Just now, govanblue said:

    I've been impressed by the success of the RM Erskine Fund over the last year or so.

    That success is all down to the many Good Bears on here donating to the Fund.

    All Good Bears welcome. :21:

    Thank you Sir, I'll be sure to donate. 

  2. Don't start a thread very often, go easy! It's become really apparent to me over the past few months just how much the new board are taking care of things that could quite easily go unnoticed but yet significantly increase how we are perceived to the wider football fan and gives us as fans that little more buzz for all things Rangers. 

    I'll start with the 21st century tech! For anyone that has added the newly created Rangers snapchat, what a great insight that was to how things were going on over in America for example. Hats off to the media team. On the point of the media team, the new standardised red, white and blue graphics and video content that we are seeing on the website is absolutely first class. 

    Good marketing events such as the Callaway Golf day at Ibrox the other day, which received a lot of publicity in the national press do wonders for our brand and again credit must go to the powers at the club for organising in the week of the open at Troon. To have Danny Willett and other top stars mixing with our players was fantastic PR.

    The well documented graphics above the club shop look fantastic and it's great to see that the old lady is being looked after and treated with the respect she deserves. Ibrox is a very special place and I think perhaps she has been slightly neglected over the years, so it's great to see being freshened up. 

    The next point again links in with our media output. The website is superb in my opinion and while I was looking through the other day I didn't realise quite how sizeable our back room team is not only with the first team but also at academy level. Fair play to the board for backing these staffing levels at every department. The website showcases analysts, sports scientists, masseurs, player liaison staff, even down to figures such as academy scouts. Obviously any big club would have all these individuals but I think for a long time this professional approach was definitely lacking at Ibrox. 

    Would like to hear some of the other aspects and additions that fellow bears have been impressed with over the last year or so. 






  3. Honestly, some of our fans (like the OP) are fucking genuine cunts. How can you say the bloke isn't a good Keeper? Fuck right off you absolute wanker. Did you watch Sunday? And a few other games this season where he has kept us in it. Such a knee jerk reaction, the bloke is miles ahead of Bell and in time will become even more reliable. Have a fucking breath before posting sometimes

  4. Actually think we should resign McGregor, criminally underrated by many on here and is doing a great job for a hibs side that is playing stylish football under Alan Stubbs.

    Stylish football? I want whatever you're taking

  5. I find it fascinating how far he has come. Always destined for great things. I too work at an academy part time and he basically started doing just what I do. He'd finish his day job in the city and head over to coach at Watford's academy 3/4 evenings a week. Things just progressed for him from there, maybe I'll even manage The Rangers one day!

  6. Particularly impressed at 3 2 in last couple of minutes, down to ten men and still played football rather than boot up the park. And it payed off.

    Said exactly that to my Dad mate, nine times out of ten in any other team Waghorn runs that ball into the corner to kill time. Rewarded with a goal to top off his performance!

  7. Where in Leeds will you be?

    If you're there already, you'll know that bits off the city centre were flooded yesterday.

    In Harrogate about half an hour outside mate. Think things are slowly getting back to normal in Leeds but you're right lots of roads shut yesterday and even today

  8. Seen shades of our play in tonight's Man U game. The majority would have you believe we are still playing blistering football but are just unlucky - shite imho.

    Square balls, no penetration, running out of ideas, team parking the bus, teams looking dangerous in the counter.

    Long diagonal passes to 4 ft wingers, players getting jaded, tavers and oduwa unable to beat their man, zelalem unable to complete a pass over 10 yards, wide players cutting in and unable to find a man.

    If our next performance isn't convincing I can see us scrapping for every point

    Some of our 'fans' really are cunts

  9. Now, while not the end of the world todays defeat did, once again, highlight a huge issue with out team, the defence.

    Wilson had an absolute howler today and to be honest Kiernan at times wasn't much better, we allowed hibs to come at us all game and it resulted in a loss, we can throw in Foderingham flapping at the second as well.

    Much like the St.Johnstone game this HAS to be a wake up call, defensive shake up in January or do we badly need the defensive mid sooner than later?

    All in all not goof enough but it's been coming for a while now.

    Agreed about Wilson, Ball should be playing in his place. Absolute nonsense about Kiernan though, other than the one ball that he didn't meet when Cummings went through tell me one aerial dual he didn't win today or when somebody went by him. His distribution was also fantastic, very comfortable with the ball at his feet.

    As has been previously mentioned, we need to take the rough with the smooth in terms of our defending. We have to accept that most games we won't keep clean sheets, as a fan will I accept that as a byproduct of the good philosophy we are trying to adopt? All day long. All Hibs did today was pump the ball to Cummings and he managed to get in one of those times. The goals that we actually conceded one was a great strike and one was a mistake from a normally very reliable keeper. Especially surprising because he's very commanding in the box

  10. Tactically outdone by Stubbs. Does it get any worse?

    Did you watch the game? If you did you know fuck all about football. Their tactics were to lump it to Cummings all day which we snuffed out every time bar once when Wes had to make the save. Other than that their tactics were shite and we didn't get what we deserved. I do agree however that we need to be better in terms of our positivity when we are chasing the game. Full back giving the ball to the centre half with 30 seconds to go for example will not get us the goal we needed.

  11. Follow Follow. When it breaks into for there's not a team like the Glasgow Rangers, and the entire away end is singing it. PERFECTION. Then when it hits the Billy Boys. Beyond perfection.

    Special mention to Build my Gallows when it's going non stop on European trips, or wee spot in Europe.

    I remember being a young boy away at Dortmund, the night Jens Lehmann scored if memory serves me right! Build my Gallows was sang non stop for at least 20 minutes, absolutely magic!

  12. Just sat and watched the full match again on RangersTV, and honestly - I thought we were absolutely brilliant, even when we were 0-1 down, we dominated that ball all over the park, didn't let up on our imposing style of play, kept going for it.. The ball by Tavernier to put Jason Holt through on goal is magical in itself, but what precision from Jason Holt, to tuck the ball away at that angle.

    From then, our tails go up and we just keep attacking them, several bits of play were just a joy to watch. Nicky Law when he comes on added something extra to be honest, although he's lucky as fuck! The amount of times the ball broke for him, and he turned nothing into something was great. Team kept fighting until the end, put up with Queen's bullshit time wasting, and then that snobby keeper thought he was on top of the world when he kept Martyn Waghorn's penalty out, starts time wasting some more.

    Suddenly, Nathan Oduwa's crossed the ball onto the head of Waghorn and it's fucking in! Battled to the final whistle, and I loved every minute of it.

    We'd have probably lost that game last season. I just love what's happening with our club right now.

    We're fucking brilliant. Can't wait until Tuesday now.

    Fucking brilliant post! One of the best I've seen on here and to think there are still cunts out there that believe 'back to long ball approach for the next couple of games' is the right way to take a footballing philosophy forward. Fucking dinosaurs

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