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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. Thats them hijacked the Famine, so they can re-write history(again) and make it a totally catholic famine, no Protestants suffered acording to them, they will milk this for all it's worth and no one will be allowed to say anything in case it upsets them and offends them, we all know how easily offended this mob get.
  2. Never, just because he runs like a headless chicken, never, never, first touch- shocking, control- shocking. If we wanted someone for their speed why didn't we sign Lnford Christie, great at running but f--k all ball control, just like Miller, once-a-dud always-a-dud.
  3. Go for it, two forwards, players played in their rightful positions, even if we do it, then leave and leave now, your times up, please go!
  4. Fuck them, wait until City get rid of that fuckin donkey Dunne, and get a manager, then watch us go.
  5. 100% agree with the thread, even if we win the league, he's had his time and has to go
  6. Aaaaggghhhhhhhh, please tell me you jest!
  7. Message to Aaron, if you want to further your football carear, then leave Ibrox, because you will never get a regular game under Smith, far too young, you'll need to wait until your'e about your 30's. That goes for every youngster at Ibrox,
  8. Couldn't have put it better myself, he's had his turn to try and get the better of possibly the worst scum team for a while and his negativity says it all for me - Smith MUST GO
  9. Not from where I was sitting, anyway if Smith had told the players to play the whole game the way we played the second half then it wouldn't have mattered, we would have wiped the floor with a very poor Hibs team, fear we've blown it big style, Smith MUST GO
  10. Well said, the only man to blame for us not winning the league is Smith, no one else, his negativity has cost us throughout the season, the players only do what they are told, can't see the scum blowing it now, can't see us scoring the goals needed, Smith MUST GO.
  11. A squib, always has been and always will be
  12. Best - John Greig Worst without any shadow of a doubt, the man who I can never remember saying that he had a good game anywhere- Craig Paterson
  13. The 73 Cup Final and Tom Forsyth's 8 inch thunderbolt, what a way to start the Old Firm experence, mind you my first game at Ibrox, we lost
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