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Everything posted by JayRanger93

  1. are you sure you made that up? You can take half the credit then!!!!
  2. This looks like the team yes. Novo on left maybe? Don't think so
  3. Why does McCulloch have to come straight back in? I guess Davis will be shunted out onto the right, and one of Thomson or Edu dropped? Yeah, Edu's been dropped
  4. Miller, McCulloch and Fleck coming in - BBCR Scotland
  5. I can't even click on the buttons mate.. It'll start loading the second you get onto the page mate, you won't be able to click any buttons until it fully loads, should be a good few minutes
  6. Lawrence has become a celebrity over night. I wonder if he realises what he's started yet...maybe he's killed himself?
  7. It won't let you listen to it until it's fully loaded
  8. There was a good half hour dedicated to The Establishment theory on Real Radio, someone's posted a link to it in this thread
  9. Aye. If you sign a shit manager who can't win the SPL title race blame the establishment. Don't be so naive! The Establishment made sure he became the manager!
  10. Damn I should check up before I laugh along with the sarcastic post mocker
  11. You'd think with all that high-powered intellectual reading you're doing, you'd have learnt to spell...
  12. Well judging by what Walters said in the media it doesn't look like they're just waiting for a slightly sweeter offer. They don't make so much of an impact that we can't afford to leave them out when our squad isn't as crippled as it is right now
  13. Remember what happened with Samaras recently, he was very much the Celtic donkey, couldn't score to save his life, just like Kyle. He's come on to some form recently though and has been banging them in, some great goals too. Could there be a turn around? I think he needs to stay and prove that he can get through this. Getting rid of him is not the answer, not yet anyway.
  14. Oh yes, something tells me it will stick
  15. If they intend to leave once their contracts are up then fuck them, I wouldnt give them any game time. We wouldn't miss them
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