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Everything posted by JayRanger93

  1. I would also suggest armed guards that make all match officials produce their Establishment cards before each game
  2. In an ideal world, in an ideal world
  3. A t**g who phoned in early on in the show and couldn't get her "point" across to save herself, she attacked another t**g for criticising Tony Mowbray, then called him shite
  4. It's run its course when the tims stop phoning in and embarassing themselves - in short, no time soon
  5. Be sure to hold your nose and do your best ned impression
  6. Whos got a tattoo? Neither Brown or McDonald have one. I think he meant McDonald, dubious to say the least but there was a rumour that Brown had a Rangers tattoo on his ankle
  7. I was rolling around with the way he was fuelling the flames as well, making their arguement seem more and more rational, while obviously thinking it was a load of utter shite
  8. Yeah, institutions like Rangers are a breath of fresh air in these times, seas of flags and songs of our heritage
  9. The Establishment :pierre: Don't be silly, the Establishment is notoriously anti-catholic
  10. Our unionist element seems to rub many of them up the right way
  11. Ye it might do by all these alleged members of the establishment ie. Refs, SFA etc might try and prove that they arent pro-rangers by being even more anti-rangers than usual! Is that even possible?
  12. Is it that you can't click play? If so then it's because it's not fully loaded, it'll take about 10 minutes.
  13. aww aye they always bring that up. i think someone should go on and ask why the papers failed to report celtic fans attacking morton supporters after the game on tuesday.? The establishment works in mysterious ways.
  14. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138487
  15. That'll have driven the tims over the edge, the Establishments influence spreading even into the fan bases of English teams, changing their previous fiercly pro-Celtic stances
  16. Yeah, I saw it, was just about to post a thread. Any connection there? What a game it was
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