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Everything posted by EcosseBear

  1. Its not the worst sport but it is shite, mainly cos i dont understand it.
  2. If he signs, expect the return of Blouie.
  3. What, spend loads of money and not win the league? Yes.
  4. Thats quality, cheers man
  5. Sorry if this is a re post? Are you for real
  6. i would'nt believe anything thta get's put in here on a Fri/Sat night.
  7. I think you should get it before that.
  8. Movies - Players get made all the time so a little change
  9. EcosseBear

    Wall Request

    Would someone be able to make me a wallpaper please with this pic: 1280 X 800
  10. Shagging a Playboy model. No bad eh?
  11. It happens during every transfer window.
  12. EcosseBear


    Avatar of the week?
  13. http://www.teamtalk.com/news/2483/7025736/-Hurt-Adebayor-hits-out-at-City
  14. EcosseBear


    I like the SotW comps, i cant do shit, but like to see what folk come up with.
  15. nah, it doesnt bother me, i just found it funny.
  16. Someone has already asked to use the Ortiz one, and you just come on and take it
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