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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. That tweet is hilarious Board has been trolling the cunts all season
  2. £60k for George Square £53k for pedo Derek McKay https://www.the-gazette.co.uk/news/19329182.derek-mackay-set-share-2-2m-msp-golden-goodbyes/?fbclid=IwAR28nizGNoCaRfbKWOccV3wXJqktt_MUn2HME77pKHuZiau0kBz4lZfSe5c
  3. Ross County fans ragin about the appointment of malky mackay A cunt, a racist and a shite manager. good luck to them
  4. Howe announced this week
  5. Them. From an unreliable source
  6. Expecting Howe to be announced this week
  7. Dunno mate first i'm hearing of it.
  8. My other half is in the ambulance service and was on nightshift last night. She just told me this morning
  9. Absolutely. Its the 0.1% of arseholes that ruin it for our support
  10. Fans attacking ambulance crews anaw is fuckin shite man
  11. That video is fucking shite form tho. Hes still a ginger cunt but i think its shite folk are behaving like that.
  12. Hes an absolute no mark Surprised hes no been blacklisted for his Kamara comments
  13. Have hardly posted aw day i've just loved reading through everyone elses comments. Taking it all in
  14. Nae cunt watchin the game today? We just aw goin to sit outside ibrox 😂
  15. Aw shite missed the first 25mins whats happened 😂
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