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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. Bayern are in for David Luiz. 40mil being reported.
  2. Actually wont be here for Forfar game. Will be Newcastle.
  3. Aw we have Forfar first don't we? Forfar it is.
  4. Ill make a banner for Jambo in time for the Newcastle game.
  5. Has anyone played Monaco or Prison Architect? Both games look kind of retro and I was wanting a second opinion before spending my dosh on it.
  6. Dennis was at the game and took the minutes.
  7. I was wondering why I constantly saw this thread in the 1st page of new content. Fucking shite though.
  8. How can his value go up after he under performed for Everton
  9. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/reina.gif
  10. I don't see clubs going to be happy with this move.
  11. That World Cup will be a disaster. Fuck Qatar
  12. And by the way how to you enter The Strip without having to pay 2000 caps?
  13. SR3 is a lot of fun It's just a ridiculous game!
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