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Posts posted by SteveJ

  1. They are a bunch of diddy has-been players taking thousands per week to wonder around the park not caring, they are lucky I'm no using the corner flag as a javelin to impale the bastards never mind booing them, fucking imposters.

    The same can be said for McDowell. That guy shows absolutely no emotion when apologising to the fans - he is clearly not doing it from the heart but as par for the course.

    Board out, management out, players skelped with contract negotiations that include performance based modules or out

  2. The fans may have got their tickets and voted with their feet but I hope they are sanctioned to help pay the fine that we will receive. It's about time some start thinking about the club and not their silly petty enjoyment of singing idiotic songs.

  3. We don't know what that football is for. We kick it as if we are frightened of it - not knowing what it will do. Set-pieces have been absolutely pathetic!

    First goal was bloody shocking. Stevie Smith switched off as soon as the ball went out of play but the ball boys have been fantastic, keeping the game flowing and Celtic had a spare ball immediately - taking the defence by surprise. Wake up lads, this is a Premiership team you are playing, not fucking Forfar!

  4. Why are we dissing this? I say 'we' but I am not including myself in that.

    Gino holds far better credentials that Ally ever did. Why? He has done his coaching badges in preparation for management, whereas Ally did the acting badges for TV. Gino has UEFA badges, Ally has BBC badges.

    Gino under a footballing director, would work.

  5. Probably, I have a mate that used to ref in the Welsh Premier League (not the same level, I know) but even there if they fucked up they had an internal disciplinary system, so I'd imagine Bobby Madden would be asked to explain his decision to some higher ups at some point.

    To be fair, the pitch was clearing and had the snow not started again, I reckon a quick cuppa for all (and a cup cake for Ian Black) while the ground staff got to work, would have sorted it.

  6. I am not sure the OP is too far from a scoop. I read an article on him yesterday I think it was, where he was livid that the board were pissing about.

    I am sure if he could (not sure of his current bank balance) then he might put up a loan secured on MP. You never know, he may be behind Kings sudden change of heart - or Parks for that matter.

    If he did, I am confident enough to say he would not return as an owner, instead paving the path for others.

  7. For once, we should let the money do the talking.

    How many times are we going to see the support split between 2 or 3 parties? Agenda driven drivel with no factual evidence and not a care for what is being written by the other side. Goldfish regurgitating the same old drivel and questions, despite having seen answers, aptly forgetting about it 10 seconds later.

    I am absolutely sick of it.

    The one thing I know is that the current regime are not the answer and we either need the 3Bs to go it alone, join forces with King or the board need to wise up and bring Sarver back to the table.

  8. Take a look at yourselves ffs. Everyone has to start somewhere on here, yet newbies still get slated! Fucking pathetic!

    As for the original post subject, I wonder why some of you think it is so wide off the mark? He was a good player for Hearts and will be again. Much like Law, Shiels, Templeton etc. There is something about Rangers that has stalled their careers and I simply cannot put it down to the pressure of Ibrox - I believe it is our coaching and it needs sorted.

  9. Dundee Utd have really carved out a niche in that regard over the past few years - Dixon, Douglas, Robertson, Paton, Spittal & Morris have all come from the lower leagues and they are about to sign a 22 year old with 18 goals so far this season from Arborath for £50,000.

    We need to sort out the management from top to bottom first. We signed the very best of lower league strikers for nothing - Clark - yet he has seen bugger all game time.

  10. There's alot of players I'd like to see leave. Unfortunately, no one will buy them.

    I've heard rumours we're getting some youngsters on loan from BPL teams. This is probably our best bet right now because we can't really afford to spend much money on transfer fees and wages.

    Most of them are on contracts that are running out in May, thankfully. It's as if someone knew this was the year which would see the need for a clearout :-)

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