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Der Hammer

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Everything posted by Der Hammer

  1. I never said McCulloch was responsible for the whole team but he is the worst player in it,and i prefer to talk about this season because thats the one we are in,McCulloch is getting worse and slower so what he did in previuos seasons matters not a jot.
  2. I'm no expert in percentages but with Mcculloch we win about 40% of our 16 games and without him that figure jumps to 80%......quite amazing difference.
  3. We need footballers,we don't have many.
  4. Rangers have played a total of 26 games this season,we have won 15 drawn 4 and lost 7. McCulloch has played in 16,we have won 7 drawn 3 and lost 6. Without McCulloch we have played 10 winning 8 drawing 1 and losing 1. He is slow on the ball,his passing is sideways or backwards and he can't tackle and runs back from his opposite number but sadly McCoist think he is a main player at Ibrox and if fit he will play all the time.
  5. He was mate,they gave him death threats last year and this year it was clear as daylight he won't put his family in that position again......they fucking scumbags are the only team in the world who could threaten a refs life and come out the other side laughing because it worked.Fuck the SPL and SFA.
  6. There is one team in Scotland that will never have a player referred by Vhincent Lhunny and that team just happen to be Celtic who Mr Lhunny apparently supports.
  7. The main thing i'm getting from you is that McCoist should be given more time as manager after half a season and 5 years back at the club but you don't see what McKay has after 3 games and he shouldn't get a game over Davis.That makes you look blinkered where McCoist is concerned.
  8. Again i'm not using current form for McKay i'm using current form for Davis,if McKay can't get in in front of Davis the way he is playing now then he will never get a game.
  9. On current form McKay isn't better than Davis.McKay must be awful then because Davis has been awful lately.
  10. I never said Bendiksen was the answer to all our problems did i.Bendiksen does have talent,whether its enough is another story.You say earlier you have seen McKay 3 times and he hasn't looked great,question for you has he looked more of a midfield player than McCulloch and on current form a better player than Davis.
  11. We were poor before Naismith got injured but we were getting away with it.Do you think Naismith getting injured meant that McCulloch should play every game and we should go with 2 left backs most games.Also did it mean we should completely alienate Jelavic up front to the point the guy has lost interest.Bendiksen looks like he could be the man to fill in for Naismith but he gets a game now and then.For 1 player to make such a difference to how a manager picks his team is a joke,i agree Naismith is a loss but to use it as an excuse for losing a massive lead like we had is ludicrious.
  12. Also the "give your fingers a rest pal" why? Am i not allowed to post on here because you don't like what i write? I think you need to learn what opinion means.
  13. Oh right i didn't know supporting the team was getting with the programme and saying everything is good and our form is nothing to worry about.I called you "a dafty" because your point was typed by someone who i would consider to be a dafty,you still haven't told me where i am wrong.Also i'm not being negative i'm being honest,is that not allowed in your "type" of Rangers fan?
  14. Oh right so i tell it like it is and now i don't support my team,away to fuck ya dafty.I don't want to be right and hope this all turns round but there is no sign whatsoever of that happening and i think we need a new manager if we are to win the league.The old i've been to more games than you makes you sound like a wee boy.How about pointing out where my point fails.
  15. I'm not trying to be funny but have you people watched the team this season,the football has been dreadful and now the results are matching the performances.Stop being blind to the facts and look at whats really happening and not what you want or wish would happen.McCoist is not good enough and his tactics and the teams performances are showing that time and time again.
  16. Spot on.. the performances this season have been a disgrace but the people saying "aye but were winning and top" weren't looking at the big picture. Now those same people are saying hes not good enough.We have been papering over massive cracks all season and now they are there for everyone to see.
  17. McCoist has to go now we have lost in Europe to awful sides in Malmo and Maribor,lost in the league cup to an average at very best Falkirk and dropped a 15 point lead,albeit with 2 more games played to be 2 down and if he stays in charge we will not win this league as his tactics and team selection are awful.If anybody wants to have a pop at my comments remember to tell me were i'm wrong.
  18. Thats the fucking spirit bears...............lets tear these unwashed bhastards a new arse,coz the one they have has been blasted into oblivion on a diet of abuse in every walk of life........BHEASTS.
  19. The point i was making is that Barca and Real Madrid are the 2 best teams on the planet and the way some people are talking Celtic are right up there,they are shite and weshould fear no-one never mind them.
  20. And another thing for the "guests" looking in........we are coming and we will be ready,WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS.
  21. I have been pretty down the last 2 days thinking about the game at the girodome and then i started thinking......THIS IS ONLY FUCKING CELTIC not Barca or Real Madrid. The last time we lost at St Mirren we had beaten Celtic 4-2 earlier that season and went on to win the league. This is the time when supporting Rangers feel brilliant because you feel you are hurting and you want nothing more than the team to do the business and more often than not when our club is down and has its back to the wall it comes out FIGHTING,bring it on bhoys,bring your best.We are Glasgow Rangers and we are WINNERS.Come on fellow bears lets think positive and hopefully the team are up for it the way i am and we will get a result,positive thinking goes a long way.
  22. Yes we appealed and won and it was against Sturm Graz in Austria...........so there are grounds for appealing yellows and they cant say there isn't.Just because its different comps doesn't mean to say the rules should be different.
  23. One thing that is certain is McCoist will pick a team that will puzzle/bore in equal measure and we will play little or no football.I can only hope that he changes his managerial style very quickly and proves me wrong but that will not happen sadly.
  24. Stop shagging weans ya dirty dirty bhastards.
  25. His changes after McCullochs red were a joke..........i would have kept Lafferty on and went 4-3-2 and kept trying to play,instead McCoist pulled the whole team into defense mode and it was a joke long before the end.We didn't even have a single shot on target after our goal.
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