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Everything posted by eastlothianbear

  1. If you struggle with your reading skills then work on them. The reason why Cameron wouldn't campaign against dissolution was highlighed earlier. He has already made it clear he WOULDN'T stand in the way of the will of the Scottish people. IF the yes vote wins Cameron will let proceedings commence. Now, I have given my views on the oil settlement based on the IMB. What makes you think the UK government could possibly have a case at a court of law?
  2. So your main concern about normalisation is that Scotland would compete with England? Honestly in the modern global world is this really "what it boils down to"?
  3. It makes perfect sense. Read again in the morning
  4. You really don't understand any of this do you? Scotland is making a profit on the back of being Scotland. Lets look at Scotland main profit streams. Income tax Oil revenues Tourism technologies exports Now which of the following would deminish is Scotland became normal? Now the point you make about corporation tax is a valid one. Northern Ireland have been able to set their own rates of corporation tax and a reaping the benefits attracting more new investment in the previous fiscal year that in the two prior. Next you talk about the city of London. Do you think this directly benefits Scotland? It's actually for you quite a decent point. Glasgow in particular has grown into a major finacial player over the last few years to sit side by side with Edinburgh.
  5. It did. To answer this different question. David Cameron has said he would fight for the union with every fibre in his body, but he would recognise the settled will on the Scottish people.
  6. I believe I have already answered the point in the last page. If the act of union is disolved, the assets of the country will be split up based on location. International maritine laws clearly show the sea based boundaries. These are the boundaries last updaded in 1999 by the Uk government. Land borders will also remain the same and assets in the land of Scotland would be retained by Scotland, and visa versa. It very simple, indeed it isn't even an argument held by the unionist parties. Gone are the days where they claim Scotland couldn't survive if the SNP came into power, and gone are the days where the London tries to steal the oil post normalisation.
  7. I deal in fact, you are unable to answer any question put towards you. I don't.
  8. Indeed. Ness. Much like Smith previously really looks the part.
  9. *cringe* tartanland. I don't know how many times I have repeated it will be in 2015/16 during the 2nd half of this term. This was what the people voted for and this is what the people will get. We would have had the vote a few years back but the unionist parties were too scared and blocked the vote. All we have been hearing from the uber-brits on here is negative scaremongering. So lets be having all the benefits of the union to 21st century Scotland........
  10. Proof? Your idiotic claims, that presumably lead back to the release of al megrahi hold utterly no weight.
  11. I didn't. I said I couldn't give a fuck about Ireland, when answering another poster. Personally my priorities side with our country and trying to achieve the best deal for Scotland. Since you asked so nicely my favourite 10 countries I have visited 1. Denmark 2. Sweden 3. France 4. Norway 5. Netherlands 6. Canada 7. England 8. Estonia 9. Germany 10. Lithuania
  12. nonsense from top to finish. Firstly the export market is very strong in Scotland. Whisky, energy,textiles, electricals, fishing. Next if you want to talk about the USA, there may well be a little global reason why the bolded bit is true. Have a little think about it. The SNP have managed to achieve investment and plenty of it from the usa however. Amazon opening up a us support branch recently, pushing through the Trump hotel/golf resort etc.
  13. Name me another 10 countries in the world with their own Government, judiciary, but without full fiscal autonomy? To suggest the position of our country isn't wierd or freakish is indeed, wierd.
  14. I don't want a united Ireland? I couldn't give a fuck about Ireland, and sport and politics don't mix for me. I want to see Scotland become normal for the sake of my family and my child.
  15. This is quite wrong. The SNP tried to hold a referendum, but the unionist parties ran scared a threatened to vote it down. The SNP won a majority and will stick to their pledge to hold the referendum in the 2nd half of this term. It's nailed on certain that it will be in 2015/16.
  16. The union of the UK or the union of Europe?
  17. To answer this point directly. If the Shetland island wanted to break away from Scoland, you would have a referendum of the people of this island, respect their wishes and seperate water boundaries as set out in International Maritime law. Now clearly there isn't a desire for this to happen unlike recent polls on Scottish Normalisation.
  18. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/1126/schedule/1/made The latest changes made in 1999 shows England waters increasing and indeed now controling 8% of the oil fields in the North Sea. http://www.oilofscotland.org/scotlands_stolen_sea.html Now with the boundaries in place and clearly defined, even the most staunch unionist wouldn't recognise this. I would be amazed if Scotland tried to pinch waters of the grounds of England/wales/northern ireland, you would hope the three remaining members of the cold dead union would act with the same dignity.
  19. Are you suggesting that London hasn't had its ROI?
  20. Are you suggesting Wales/northern ireland/england would want a cut in the revenues from Scottish waters? Waters which are clearly mapped out! Perhaps yyou think that Scotland should ask for a cut of Denmarks oil, since we are also in a union with them?
  21. Chris Sutton in behaving like a cunt to sell a book shocker. Hope he sells none, and his books get pulped.
  22. Anyway, back to the real world David Cameron was delighted that the 4,500 million pounds of further oil revenues will be dripping into London. BP chief executive Bob Dudley- "the story of north sea being in decline is far fetched, we will be continuing to maintain our current levels of 200,000-250,000 barrels of oil per day at the very least till 2030" http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2011/10/13120102
  23. Yes. Thats why I've asked you about 10 times. So AGAIN, What makes you think Scotland currently has self determination? It's a claim you have made throughout this thread.
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