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Everything posted by West_Side

  1. ...Is it just me or does this have the Formula one commentary?
  2. No worries, we all say things in the heat of the moment that we don't really mean. I know I've been guilty of it many times. Well that was certainly a lot better than the last time we played DU.
  3. What the fuck is Simonsen even trying to do there? Absolutely fucking ridiculous.
  4. I love Mohsni, I really do, and he seems like a great guy but he's just far too unreliable. It's been said before, but he is a bombscare.
  5. Peralta is a good player. Been played out of position and has been mostly good today as well.
  7. Daly trying to do his old team a fucking favour or something?
  8. Players need to be straight back up now. Now is not the time for capitulation.
  9. We actually are mostly playing well. The players look up for this.
  10. He's a vastly experienced keeper who was excellent for Stoke and Sheffield United. There's certainly a basis to saying he's more than capable. Shit at taking penalties though.
  11. Fanfan was signed by Macleish, and PLG got rid of him. No, PLG's greatest crime was releasing Big Marvin Andrews. That devastated the 12 year old me.
  12. EDIT: This is not the "What are you listening to right now?" thread oops
  13. I'd take anything over having Colin Wanker as our manager.
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