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Everything posted by West_Side

  1. When I was in goals, I am incredibly inconsistent, and prone to absolute howlers. I can occasionally pull of stunning saves though. I also like to charge out of my area and clatter opposition strikers, and I take far too many risks outside the box. I get booked a lot. I would certainly like to be compared to Jorge Campos.
  2. I remember the day well. Walked into the flat, and my two flatmates looked like they were nearly in tears. Horrible day. It was a brutal time for all of us. I don't think there's anything wrong with a thread remembering it though. We can look to the future while we look back and remember our past.
  3. Oh right, fair enough. While we're here, anyone know what Edmiston Drive got banned for?
  4. I liked him, he was a good poster. What did he get banned for though? Was it the whole FoCUS ruckus?
  5. I don't know, many hands make light work as well. Which saying takes precedence?
  6. Yeah, at the moment I'm having a good time of it Rangers-wise. Long may it continue!
  7. I can't pretend that doesn't hurt. And besides, Aberdeen is a pretty big city.
  8. I can say with certainty we'd be crucified by the media if we tried to get a UVF supporting song into the charts. That might not be such a bad idea actually, it would certainly highlight the hypocrisy and double standards within the Scottish media. Regardless of what you think of him, I think he's spot on here.
  9. "But I don't have to tell you that the best of all we love to see ___ / _______ score" Fill the gap. If we sing it, it's probably ok. I like it anyway, it distinguishes us from Berwick Rangers, QPR and Stafford Rangers. We're THE Rangers. That's besides the point though. We've been calling ourselves that since before 1900.
  10. I agree with this. Sometimes the club should respond, other times it shouldn't. As for the question, "Has dignified silence ever benefitted The Rangers?" I would say yes, it has. I think we didn't react in the past at times when we should have, but there were other times we were right not to react. So yeah, it has sometimes benefitted us. I don't see how you could answer anything but yes if you read the question.
  11. Is batten down the hatches a war metaphor? Is it not about ships caught in storms? Are Rangers the ship? Is the storm Scottish society? Your post is too deep for me.
  12. This. I seriously doubt Barry is the one making the bids.
  13. It was an undisclosed fee, iirc it was in the region of 400k. At least it was something. He wanted to continue to be considered for the USA, so he was allowed to leave. He did the decent thing and chose to help us get a fee for him. Players like Naismith, Whittaker, McGregor and Lafferty are the only ones you should be angry at.
  14. Chelsea are winning the league this year. Mark my words. I knew as soon as Jose Mourinho said they weren't contenders. I don't even particularly like Chelsea (my favourite team in England is Walsall), but they are without a doubt winning the league this season.
  15. I haven't played it, but my mate was saying that it's not only badly made, it's really boring as well. Even by muhmorpuhguh standards Also it further ruins the lore from what I've seen. Apparently it's not canon though.
  16. What about people with degrees in Science, Medicine, Engineering and all that? History degree detected
  17. Considering the massive student population in Glasgow I think this is a great idea. Good thinking from the club.
  18. Those ways mostly involve the splitting of Churches over doctrinal issues.
  19. Well if you don't like the Church of Scotland, there's always the Free Church of Scotland, The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, The Associated Presbyterian Churches of Scotland, The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, The United Free Church of Scotland, The Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), and many more! There's a whole world of Presbyterianism out there! Here's a handy flowchart:
  20. I was at the game yesterday. Awful performance. If you can't get any control over the set pieces then you have no chance. They give you the platform to build from, and that did not happen at all yesterday. I think dropping Kelly Brown was a shocking decision too. And in my eyes Richie Gray is Scotland's best player, and for him not even to be in the squad is a decision I simply don't understand.
  21. Can't wait for the Final at the Stade De Nonce! We are fucking winning this treble.
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