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Everything posted by WCPRANGERS1

  1. am i wrong here in thinking Sports Direct at Ibrox Stadium is a stadium sponsorship.......
  2. RIP Robert Scumbag Cowdenbeath youth player mocked this on twitter, removed it and blamed his drunken mates.
  3. That Whitehill education is really shining through......
  4. Technically we will be in the 4th teir when the split takes place.........
  5. The 10 mill to spend was a throw away line in the sense that's there's no way we will spend that in the lower leagues BUT is also a statement that it would be there. Recommending to the board that we quit Scotland is a headline maker as he the follows it up with "we can't but well look at options" we are news and always the biggest news in Scotland. So you wouldn't take the share issue as a positive?
  6. Do you really think they will want that product? I mean its dying on its arse and viewing figures seem to be going down.
  7. He didn't vote us out of the SPL and surely the appointment of Jim Traynor is a huge positive? Green has also stated that no Rangers in the top flight equates to a poor league, I'm glad you agree with him on that point The club is where it is and every fan (bar you) seems to be embracing the journey away from the hatred. Ally also does not need the funds quoted, your lambasting Green for throw away statements......do you have anything positive to say?
  8. That's better!!! I'm just baiting mate, lets him dig a deeper hole, look at the above response as proof.
  9. He also has the knowledge that sky want the team responsible for its highest viewing figures for a Scottish team involved.
  10. You've actually given a view without any justification or reasoning, so far it's been "coz my mate said" and"just because" as I've asked(without answer) what has Green done wrong in your eyes?
  11. How can raising our profile not be good for the club??? Yes your entitled to your opinion but I'm just asking what it's based on. What has he done wrong in your eyes?
  12. At LONG last I've got a thumbs up from you...... If only I'd lknown it woulda taken an iPhone fuck up!!!!!!!
  13. No just a statement that I'd rather have a voice than the silence of years gone bye. I can understand what you posted and it brings about reasonable debate, just I prefer our current form of leadership to letting our club and fans be brought down by lies
  14. He says while responding........you in charge of Scumdee utds pr dept lol
  15. So why do YOU distrust him then? I mean surely you can't base it on your friends statement that's just ludicrous! Do you not take his actions on to account?
  16. He could also easily have held off having a share issue and did it at a more affordable time for the ordinary fan looking to invest but didn't, he stuck to his guns and a christmas share issue could have shot him in the foot. Just asking but what is it you don't like or trust Green for?
  17. His statement made does actually say he knows we don't have anywhere to go but we have to look at options. Also the whole "we should quit Scotland" is a headline taken from a statement where he says he would recommend to tge board that we should look at ways of quitting, really don't think he would make such a throw away statement as "ok that's it were leaving"
  18. An easy tag line to throw out when you have no intention or do not care about defending the club or its fans............
  19. Says what he wants and defends us to the hilt. I would take this form of leadership over a dignified silence any day of the week. Some may not agree with what he says but he clearly listens to our fans, something that was missing for at least 20 years. We had huge success yes but we were toothless and our detractors grew stronger with no fight or counter argument put against them. He may have came to make money but it cannot be denied that he has given us our voice back........NO SURRENDER!!
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