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Everything posted by WCPRANGERS1

  1. http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/?ui=desktop
  2. What other fan base in the world who having seen their own club teach the last 16 of the champs league would be more interested in an sfl3 club.
  3. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/blog/_/name/rangers/id/2419 Got me all emotional!! WE ARE THE PEOPLE
  4. I'm pretty sure that as long as we carry out our commercial responsibilities ie press and mhedia interviews etc then we can't be seen as bringing the Scottish Cup itself in to disrepute.
  5. It is not purely based on the financial, Ibrox is our home and we shouldn't boycott our own home coz we don like our visitors. It's also a case of showing that regardless of the competition, regardless of when we will not fill their stadiums as a matter of pronciple
  6. Sorry but we are supporting our club by not going to their ground, it is a protest and a statement.
  7. Has anyone seen the video of Jim White on SSN taking the piss out of him, hilarious.
  8. There's no shouting merely highlighting that could have been isn't a fact, just as ticketus COULD HAVE BEEN the largest creditor but weren't, we are talking about an ifs, buts and maybes situation here. Plenty can say this and that could happened , we are in SFL3 and have to look and move forward while never forgetting and pursuing those who tried to bury us but this kind of stuff will not alter a single thing.
  9. Hopes and prayers are with Sandy Jardine
  10. And while called for more investigations fails to call for an investigation in to leaked information.....
  11. COULD HAVE BEEN doesn't make it fact
  12. Scored one almost from the bye line didn't he?
  13. You'd have to admit that although we don't know what went on back then that Murray does court the media, he may say what we are all wanting but that's easy to do, what he didn't or couldn't do was deliver, not just during admin but also before Shyte took over
  14. Have to say I agree, was there at a time when he has now twice failed to fulfill his promise of investment and all thought doubting Shyte waited to the last minute to put a "bid" in. He is also fairly gullty I'm sure of trying to derail Charles Greens consortiums bid at a time we needed stability.
  15. Not tweets mate they are still firmly in place on his channel 4 blog.......
  16. Also calls us R fans the twat can't even bring himself to type Rangers on his twitter account.
  17. Haven't asked him that but I did ask if he still stood by comments that he made on his channel 4 blog that Rangers had been involved on tax evasion, had"arguably an entire Ibrox culture of funny money" and that we were too "corrupted to survive liquidation". I have yet to recieve any sort of reply.......I won't hold my breath on getting one either.
  18. "Even given the clubs financial plight" Sorry have I missed something?
  19. Following quickly on the heels of lemons "I'll leave I mean it a wull" statement at the weekend it yet again shows up the SPL of having "men" and managers at the helm who throw the toys out of the pram at the slightest hint of upset. I am delighted to be a Rangers man!!!
  20. Probably watched it back and thought "oh my fucking god"
  21. By the look of his twitter hrs done it as a wind ip
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