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Everything posted by WCPRANGERS1

  1. SPL clubs way of handling the situation just now reminds me of that mhob......sweep,deny,deflect They should stop blamibg us and sfl clubs for their poor financial state.
  2. On his own sides bugdet "My budget is nearly all gone. It's very sad, but I've never known a situation where one clubs crimes punish every club in the country." What a ridiculous statement for a start Rangers only "crime" was being put in to admin by our "owner" , also is it Rangers fault that these clubs over spent and dont live within their own means.......the stupidity especially from a former captain is unreal!!!
  3. Also oretty sure more trophies won than the spl....
  4. Am i right in thinking that its down the spl clubs to decide which team "earns" spl status.......
  5. My dad had 4-1 ........never seen him so gutted at us scoring another goal
  6. No offence mate.......i dont buy either the record or listen to clyde but how csn you say any "true" Rangers fan should have nothing ti do with these mhedia outlets,for a start there are fans who like to keep a close ear/eye on our enrmies this does not make them a true Rangers fan???
  7. Before tbat he gestured to our fans at easter road.......
  8. Lol we should just sign all of the most hated players available.... it would make perfect sense !!!!
  9. Neither church or 90 minute....i have my beliefs and my 2 boys will be christened and brought up as i was......anyway WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!! Also it was Cranhill Parish Church Of Scotland where i sang a solo at easter as a young boy
  10. I know mate and for the the record i am a protestant......
  11. Note to self........DO NOT start a thread that mentions religion and non religion....... Jesus (pardon the pun) all i was trying to do was point out we are a diverse group of football fans but have a common love of the Rangers......that went well!!!!
  12. Like to ask where at all i have mentioned athiesim as a religion???? I have said we are all Rangers supporters but from different backgrounds. As for people attacking my great grandad that is actually quite pathetic tbh as non of you or myself for that matter knew the man,the point to my story being look at a man with a strong protestant background in love wirh an irish catholic
  13. Dont get me wrong i know the song in that form would not be allowed to have a long term return.........however it shows again that there is a "wanting" for it to return and i have a feeling that it might in the short term. It saddens me really that you do get the likes that are offended for the sheer hell of it, imagibe the amount of music and national anthems you could demand to be banned because it was bigoted towatrds another nation or people
  14. The point i was trying to make was despite his beliefs his religion etc he still LOVED an Irish Catholic....the JFK oart was more to with the Kennedy family links
  15. Wee story.......My dads granda was a PROPER old school protestant,stayed in Bridgeton part of the lodge (we still have his over 100 year old sash) and "hated" all things catholic and celtic....my dad was brought up by him and says he celebrated when JFK was killed and on a few occasions he was ready to knock down a wal in house to get to a neighbour pkaying rebel songs. Anyway he was what would be a proper loyalist but the biggest twist in the mans life......not only did he love the Rangers and his heritage.....he had a love for his wife.....his wife sas an IRISH Catholic...
  16. We are all Rangers fans......that should never be forgotten,we all have different backgrounds and love our club for so many different reasons and from many different generations!!!! We should focus on ONE thing just now and that is the restoration of our club to where it should be.......looking down at the others who are chasing........
  17. There is also the hearts and killie versions which are essentially TBB replaced with ayrshire and hibee blood.......octo i totally understand where your coming from i still personally however find it one of the most spine tingling sons sung at ibrox......however if your saying it was adoptef by orotestant gangs then used by us how can the context be assumed that Rangers fans are aiming it soley at catholics,over the years rightly or wrongly it became a huge "anthem" by Rangers fans and i would sayit was more actively pursued for those reasons. There are several songs sang not just at football matches that are truely offensive to different races,cultures etc and have never came under such intense scrutiny.
  18. How can TBB be banned when we here the likes of Arsenal,Chelsea and even Man U belt out out their horrible sped up version during Champs League matches......im sure UEFA woukd still have recognised the song and sanctioned those clubs accordingly if it had indeed just been the song. As others have said a word has been latched on to and classed as demeaning catholics because its apparently the context we use it as.........this song was itself part of a "hate" campaign because it was our most passiobetly sung song and always sent shivers down the spine when belted out fully,i for one miss it.
  19. Davie Cooper was described as being a scottish brazilian by Ruud Gullit he is and always will be a legend in my eyes......for only having a left peg what a man!!!!!
  20. That would be superb......just wait until were back there during cup campaigns
  21. I do care about our ownership, i do care what direction we will be heading, i do care that our club has taken an almighty kicking. BUT for now as far as im concerned all i can do as a fan is back those players who have decided to stay and help us on our way to our return to glory.......the up and coming season will be so unique inso many ways and i for one want to thank those players no matter the league no matter the owner......that is surely one of the many reasons why WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!!
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