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Everything posted by WCPRANGERS1

  1. this imo will be a view shared by many fans around the world.....a phenomenal post and almsost brought a tear to the eye
  2. But, but, but......hes an SFA hall of famer and ex-assistant coach to the national team we should hold on to his every word!!!!
  3. or those who booed lichtenstiens anthem for sounding like god save the queen
  4. no mate yourargument wasthat i shoul support Scotland because i am Scottish im simply giving a good few reasons as to why i dont/never have and never will support them i have yet to see a compelling argument outwith "its your country you have to" so why should i support Scotland .....ive always supported my football CLUB and always will ....yes i will moan or complain about leadership or mismanagement or poor performances but my support of Rangers would never waiver they are my one and only team.......
  5. so because your a Scotsman you HAVE to support the national team which is ran by the SFA and full of traitors and mhanks......i would find myself being a total hypocrite supporting them.......i think you will find it is someones choice as to who they support, personally i support only 1 football team Rangers. I love seeing Scottish sportsmen such as Murray,Monty,Hoy and Hendry do well but being Scottish DOESNT mean i should support the football team
  6. ok........heres whrre your wrong Ian Black when booed last season was an opposition player who rattled a few of our players so took the boos last night he made his Scotland debut and was roundly booed by the majority of his countries "fans" so there is quite a significant difference
  7. soo let me get this right the newxo is to be liable for the oldcos footballing debts but not to monies owed which were earned on the PITCH by the club which will always remain.........yet more utter bullshit from the powers that be
  8. wouldnt see why any contracts associated with oldco needed to be honoured,just need to look at sponsors etc that have either been dumped or walked......
  9. an article based entirely on bitterness and jealousy....... Rangers 35k+ season ticket holders in SFL 3 St.Midden int SPHELL um em ur.......down on last years sales and attracting just over 4k!!!! our unambitious new signings are gutted threy didnt have a club of that stature chasing their signature........
  10. if so i hold my hands up for my blatant stupidity......
  11. it baffles me that we accepted 3 mill a year from jjb yet sports direct can get us between 5-10 mill ....
  12. its strange how only investors at Rangers are open to such scrutiny.......
  13. some side from belarus though im sure??? you would think though that given hes the man in charge of that bank then the link is there for all to see.....and if it works as easily as that shouldnt Ashley just put sports direct as out investors after all they just have the naming rights of st.jamesl
  14. im sure he has "an interest" in 3 clubs???
  15. so whats your take on it mate????
  16. So according to reports the SFA are set to ratify his move to own a 10% stake in Rangers as long as it is no more tban this and that he has no say in the running of the club. Now pardon my stupidity but hasnt Green already stated that investors would have a low stakehold in the club and also what right to the SFA have to say what his role and invsstment level is in the club, i thought they were there tto assure that investors are "fit and proper" no to decide that persons role in the club. Also if this has anything to do with being a major stakeholder in another club then why is Romanov allowed to have a stakehding in 3 clubs
  17. Rangers should look to win every game regardless of div/opposition but we have to match attitude and effort of other teams to get anywhere near it.....
  18. i think you would admit 30 mill was a spl quote AND that we dont need anywhere near that investment now......also the backers you have mentioned didnt exactly fight for control did they......also as for first dibs didnt tbks bk etc all say they would go for a cva???? also as a genuine question......is there anything you are happy with regarding the new regime??
  19. so your admitting he didnt say he WOULD have 3 billionares on board then just out of curiosity where would you rather see Rangers just now and who would you have at the helm.....
  20. if your posting factual comments then please point to where Charles Green said he defo will bring in 3 billionares im sure it says he HOPES he can.....
  21. couldnt agree more on that point mate......we should bring in a core of players 18-21 as well as those already there mixed with good experience will stand us in good stead for the future.....
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