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Quiet Jim

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Everything posted by Quiet Jim

  1. 2008/2009 A 6.8 Where a Club takes, suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event that Club shall be deducted 10 points. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during the Season, the points deduction shall apply immediately. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the points deduction shall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that the Club starts that immediately following Season on minus 10points. 19th December 2011 A 6.8 Where a Club takes, suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event that Club shall be deducted 10 points. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during the Season, the points deduction shall apply immediately. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the points deduction shall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that the Club starts that immediately following Season on minus 10points. 30th May 2012 A 6.8 Where a Club which was a member of the League in the immediately preceding Season takes, suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event that Club shall be deducted the greater of 10 points and one third, rounded up to the nearest whole number, of the total number of points, excluding any points deducted for any reason, gained by that Club in the League in the immediately preceding Season and where a Club which was not a member of the League in the immediately preceding Season takes, suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event that Club shall be deducted 10 points. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during a Season, the requisite points deduction shall apply immediately. Where the Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the requisite points deduction shall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that the Club starts that immediately following Season on minus the requisite number of points. This is blatantly rewriting the rules when Whyte was thieving from us. The only beneficiary of this change would be the manky mob. Three titles on the trot to them, if we stayed in the SPL.
  2. Brilliant Boss, excellent find. Some more info on this, hopefully the changes and timeline can be analysed. Season 2008 / 2009 - Author Greig Mailer - 2008 - 2009 Season 2009 / 2010 - Author Greig Mailer - 2009 - 2010 EBT's became an issue in 2010. May 2010 - Author Rod McKenzie - 2010 - 2011 April 2011 - Author Rod McKenzie Apr 2011 Dec 2011 - Author Rod McKenzie -Dec 2011 May 2012 - Author Rod McKenzie - May 2012 Rod has been a busy, busy man. His Dec 2011 contribution was created on the 27th of January 2012. Started changing the rules as far back as 2010 in anticipation of appointing an 'independent commission'?
  3. A source told me that 'Lord' Nimmo is on the verge of implosion. Next headline; Nimmo the dimmo exposed as incompetent. QJ
  4. We were on our knees, beaten and battered, but we staggered to our feet, Half naked and shot to pieces, we stood as one and fought to the end, Our death was meant to be imminent, but they came to our rescue, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7FRI_GIiSs The media has had their pound of flesh, now the rest is raw meat. Now the media is after you lets see how you will fare. Goodnight, good luck, you will need it. QJ
  5. 'Nimmo the Dimmo' AKA 'Patsy' takes the blame. 'Once bitten, twice shy','third time a proven laughing stock'. Can they pay him enough to keep him silent? Only time will tell.
  6. The SFA and the players are a different entities, many grass root players aspire to play for their country, let us not tar them with the same brush. Our children are the future, Regan is poisonous, vindictive and regressive. When he resign's, we will progress. QJ
  7. Never been so proud of a man that I have never met.
  8. HMRC are trying to make an example, if we fall all of MIH falls. We never defended the EBT issue, MIH did. Your use of 'they', 'their', 'themselves' and 'sweeping' only means one thing. QJ
  9. Employee Benefit Trusts are non contractual. They are discretionary payments. HMRC have not got a leg to stand on unless a contractual 'side letter' stipulates that the player receives the same payment, regardless of performance. But my thought on the matter are; QJ
  10. Talking about farming. http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/opinions/2012CSIH26.html Another of 'Lord' Nimmo's high profile cases? Cannot wait until we rip him an new arsehole, in a real court of law! Charles Green V The SPL. Defendants - Lord Nimmo & Hugh Adam. No Surrender!
  11. Another high profile case; http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/opinions/2009CSIH60.html
  12. The truth is that we are the only people that are not contaminated by perversion or terrorism. We will not sink to their depth, but will fight them till our dying breath. We can see them a mile away and smell them from far away. For We Are The People and no one will steal our titles. We are Proud Protestants and we will stand firm. God Save The Queen, Our Soldiers, Ulster & The Famous Glasgow Rangers. NO SURRENDER!
  13. Phone them up next time and quote that The Sun exposed 'Lord' Nimmo as being incompetent many years ago. Source; http://scottishlaw.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/scottish-football-assoc-appoint-lord.html Charles Green's consortium own our clubs assets. Any party that attempts to devalue our assets, will be taken to court and judicial process will prevail. No titles will be striped! The Sun are two faced bastards, they know the truth but hold it back, for profitability reasons only. The News of The World is now defunct, The Scottish Sun will also collapse, when the material, that has been withheld is exposed.
  14. Star witnesses; http://scottishlaw.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/scottish-football-assoc-appoint-lord.html Sarcasm Will set them free!
  15. When Charles Green takes them to court; Hugh Adam (86), will spearhead the SPL's defence. 'Lord' Nimmo will back him up. We are in trouble, I tell you.
  16. Lord Glennie presiding over; Charles Green V The SPL. Witnesses; Hugh Adam(86), Neil Doncaster & Lord Nimmo. Hope 'Lord' Nimmo doesn't take another breakdown, if this case goes to court.
  17. Your wish is fulfilled; http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/aberdeen/tangled-web-that-distracts-attention-from-real-black-magic-circle-1.758712 Incompetent, gullible and mental health issues. Is that enough?
  18. Only the SPL/SFA & Liewell could choose someone that has been involved in a gay sex scandal, has had psychiatric treatment and incompetently invents unenforceable punishments that were subsequently enforced through blackmail. Is 'Lord' Nimmo the laughing stock of Scotland's judicial system or just a patsy, for when the shit hits the fan? Did 'Lord' Nimmo receive instructions to defend his impartiality or is he just about to make another visit to the Royal, citing mental health issues? Does 'Lord' Nimmo know in his heart, that his judgement will be laughed out of court in a real court of law? The pawns will all be sacrificed, when the events surrounding the sale of our club are exposed and the resultant blood fest is examined, in a real court. 'Lord' Nimmo is only one of many. QJ
  19. Fairness is judged by law, we have the right to appeal, they are shitting themselves.
  20. Who appointed this man to be on the 'independent' commission? http://scottishlaw.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/scottish-football-assoc-appoint-lord.html 'Lord' Nimmo has already been found incompetent by our court of law. Is he a patsy, that will ultimately pay the price and be shafted as per their modi operandi. They are used to shafting their own, from birth to adolescence. Makes me more proud of being the people, that we are. For their is only one people and we are them.
  21. Source : http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/aberdeen/tangled-web-that-distracts-attention-from-real-black-magic-circle-1.758712 First published on the 21st of May 1993. Lord Nimmo may be unfit to hold his position due to external issues, including 'possible' blackmail and personal psychiatric problems.
  22. THERE are few Scottish police officers who have served much of their time in Edinburgh who have not had to deal with Derek William Donaldson, the homosexual 32-year-old crook and self-acclaimed ''Fettesgate raider'' who was imprisoned for 18 months at Edinburgh Sheriff Court for assault and robbery. ............. Apart from his central role in the Fettes robbery, Donaldson was also one of a network of gay crooks who has assiduously encouraged detectives and journalists to believe in the fictitious notion of a homosexual ''magic circle'' conspiracy among senior lawyers and the Scottish judiciary. ............. More striking than that is the list of confidence tricks for which Donaldson has not -- so far -- faced either trial or punishment. These include conning the Security Service, MI5, into believing that he was a useful counter-intelligence agent, and TV journalists into making a documentary in which a civil servant and former Portobello schoolmate, Brian Gentleman, was falsely portrayed as a Czech spy. ............. They also include a visit last year to William Nimmo-Smith, the QC asked by the Lord Advocate to investigate the alleged gay ''Magic Circle'' among Scottish lawyers and the judiciary. Posing as reporter ''Allan MacDonald'' of the Daily Telegraph, Donaldson tried to get the advocate to be indiscreet about the likely conclusions of his report, published two months later. ............. Donaldson secretly recorded the meeting, and then offered his tapes for sale to newspapers. The Scottish Sun were the only takers. From their Glasgow offices, they agreed a #10,000 deal with Donaldson. The terms Donaldson demanded included undertakings by the Sun not to tell their readers about his lengthy and unattractive criminal record, nor to show his photograph. ............. The Sun also agreed to pass money to Donaldson by an unusual and complex route. On Friday December 18, the day the report was published -- under the banner headline ''FETTES THIEF CONS GAY JUDGES PROBE QC'' -- News International Ltd. deposited #6500 in the clients' account of Edinburgh solicitors Cochrane and Blair Paterson, of Abercromby Place, to be passed on to Donaldson. The next day, the Sun published a second report on Donaldson's hoax, entitled ''NIMMO THE DIMMO.'' That evening, an intensely distressed Mr Nimmo-Smith sought psychiatric treatement at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. .............
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