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Everything posted by Ger_onimo

  1. I see the usually prolific Michael Stewart has remained silent on this issue for more than 2 days. Very odd, the bold Mick couldn’t stop tweeting when it was Rangers fans in the firing line 🤔
  2. The weirdest thing about this Godley business is that these tweets have been going round for years. Remember the ones about 50 Cent getting tweeted at her by Rangers fans ages ago when she wrote some shite about us all being racist or something. She just blocked everyone who tweeted it and everyone ignored it.
  3. There’s barely any Rangers fans who are high profile in the media, politics or anywhere else. Pretty pointless
  4. 👍🏻Unpleasant as the whole business is, targeting individuals is the only effective way to combat this sort of thing. No good attacking something as impenetrable as a national paper, you have to go after them individually so they can see what it’s like being on the receiving end
  5. Maybe not a paper. The Spectator or Private Eye might
  6. Surely some other publication has to run with this, now there actually is a story in the public interest? A century old national newspaper being forced to acknowledge widespread bigotry among its contributors.
  7. David Edgar probably deserves a knighthood tbh. By far the best job anyone associated with Rangers has ever done of taking these cunts on
  8. Oooft. Thought they were going to keep ignoring it and hope it went away
  9. If they really wanted to they could start an account on here, post some bigotry then screenshot and publish it. Doesn’t really achieve much when everyone is anonymous and could be literally anyone.
  10. Poor Gaby, bet he could barely contain his excitement when he first saw that front page, overcome with joy at the thought of some “huns” having their lives ruined. Now look what’s happened ☹️
  11. I know it’s only Twitter, but journalists deleting their accounts is quite a big deal. It’s like the main tool of their trade, you really can’t be a journalist these days without a Twitter account
  12. The thing is that there is no debate that the DR has more of a problem with bigotry among it’s contributors than H&H does. It’s not up for discussion, the proof is all there. And yet the likes of Spiers and Stewart refuse to acknowledge that, save for a few vague mentions of “whataboutery”. Really hope Private Eye pick up on it, it’s right up their street.
  13. Not sure on what basis? No suggestion of the actual podcast breaking any laws, and I doubt any of the tweets break that threshold. And if they do, it’s the ones by the 2 guys who stepped down. I’m sure there’s plenty of other Patreon users who’ve said or done a lot worse
  14. I’m not seeing much support for the journos from fans of other clubs, even them. I think most half-sensible people are thinking of this in terms of the bit in bold, regardless of club allegiance.
  15. The Record put it on their front page, for no other reason than to try and ruin the lives of people who they disagree with in order to enact some petty revenge on a football club they despise. Therefore everyone who works for that organisation is absolutely fair game for the same treatment. The silence (and in some cases active support) from other journalists makes the entire profession fair game. Same for politicians. I hope as many of them as possible feel serious real life consequences for their hypocrisy.
  16. Yeah fair point. Would definitely have been smart at that point but don’t think I’d have thought of it
  17. Maybe. If I suddenly had a successful podcast or something I don’t think my first thought would be to delete this account. And I’ve said some fairly questionable things on here I expect
  18. First thing you’d do when? They weren’t holding public office they were doing football podcasts
  19. Fucking hell, the VIP lounge at the Cunt club. Every single one a massive prick
  20. He’s on the front page of a national newspaper for fuck all, he’s considerably less riled than I’d be tbh. Think he’s playing a blinder so far.
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