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Everything posted by Ger_onimo

  1. Sorry for the slightly random bump, but this term and thread absolutely haunted me. I was convinced this had happened. The phrase popped into my head just now so searched it, have a read and see how bad things were. Then look at this. There were times I never thought we’d get here bears. Drink it in and enjoy every second
  2. Scenes when we still win the title
  3. One of their fans did, said he should have been off
  4. That’s what I thought. They must have a 10 second delay to stop swearing etc. He said something like “I know there’s a lot of celtic fans out there and...”. Was blatantly going to say get it right fucking up them 😂
  5. Probably already posted, but who does this fucking slug expect is going to pick that up? Particularly when his club are riddled with an infectious disease. Absolute vermin.
  6. It’s exactly why they’re in such a mess, they don’t care what actually happens, they’re celtic and they refuse to believe they can do anything wrong and if something bad happens it must be someone else’s fault.
  7. Amazing that all this time they thought it was because he was a Northern Irish catholic, despite them employing another, far more successful Northern Irish catholic as manager and him getting nowhere near the same levels of hate. Better late than never I suppose
  8. Have they actually deleted the thread?! Why not just lock it?
  9. At this rate I think we’ll need to drop some points before then
  10. I really don’t get it. Do people think that he’s an overt racist and decided that the time to reveal it was in front of a select committee? It’s plainly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that he fucked his language up, presumably wanting to say “players of colour” and getting it wrong. Ridiculous overreaction, and conflating this sort of thing with actual racism, of which there is plenty, does absolutely nobody any good.
  11. Hard for the younger fans to believe, but there was a time when Rangers went up to a week without making an absolute rip roaring cunt of something
  12. Are you happy for someone to go round telling everyone and anyone that you’re a cunt, as long as they don’t say it to your face? I’m probably the opposite tbh
  13. So @falkirkNS still hasn’t named a single one of the “infiltrators”? And still no one has vouched for him?
  14. So has anyone actually vouched for @falkirkNS?
  15. All this because I laughed at Tommy Robinson’s choice of footwear 😂
  16. I honestly don’t see a difference between saying something out loud on camera and typing something out so it appears under your name and photo.
  17. It’s not one or the another. You can want the boy to be outed and dealt with, while also giving it a couple of hours to make sure you’ve got the right guy
  18. Maybe on closed forums etc. but I’d say ones that bad on open social media are pretty rare. If you’re going to post stuff like that publicly, under your real name, it’s the same as saying it in the street. Either both should be punished or neither.
  19. A crest isn’t too much to ask though surely?
  20. Don’t see how that makes it worse though. You’ve got a much bigger audience on social media, and you could argue that at least it’s less cowardly to say something like that to someone’s face, rather than hiding behind a keyboard.
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