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Everything posted by flashy

  1. Aye we need a few new coaches at ibrox. A youth coach would be welcomed. Need to get coaches and scouts who have a vast knowledge of quality youth players in our own country and of course other countries so we can bring them to the best club in the world and build on them to become excellent footballers. Will be profitable and great for the club if the players are successful. Successful players successful club. :-)
  2. Lol, we'd sing it better than man united fans singing ''we'll do what we want'' wasn't like that when the gers were down in manchester and did what WE wanted.
  3. Get him signed super ally! Hope your wee cousin gets signed if he's class. Need more great youths for the club.
  4. Whats your wee cousins name? Shame that wee guy from killie is off to everton, probably won't even get played. Your wee cousin any good? :-D
  5. When he sees ally and what rangers have he will see rangers are too big off a club to turn down. He knows we don't belong in divison 3 and with stella probably signed he has a fellow aussie to settle with. All looking good. The hearts fans will be raging. Still hoping larrson signs, probably by fax but hope he signs.
  6. Aye. Kennedy is his name? Off to everton reported on ssn. Was he any good?
  7. Killie younger signed by everton. Wasn't this killie younger not mentioned by one of the lads on this forum?
  8. Cause we're taking great sphell players and making them come to us while we're in divison 3. All the teams in the sphell must be thinking what the fuck? Just proving we're still the biggest team in scotland and the most successful. Rangers is still an attraction to players.
  9. Ahahaha get it round yeh hearts your pish team doen't have anything over rangers, regardless of what league we're in we will always be better than you. And that other lot across the city the dirty soap dodging bastards that they are. You'll never catch the mighty rangers. 54 and when we're backwe will pick up were we left off, dominating the scottish game and making you scummy peado bastards second fiddle to rangers fc. Proud to be a bear. Rtid.
  10. Cheers for the update bud. Hope we get a few in. Templeton is gonna sign ! :-D
  11. Is bocanegra offski? Any news of larsson? Great news about templeton. Take it mcgowan is no way him? :|
  12. Also with us almost signing stella don't you think mcgowen would be interested signing for a big club like rangers who are posed to sign another aussie? And also templeton being rumoured he's wanting to come to rangers? If anyone is making if difficult it will be hearts wanting more money cause it's getting close to the end of the window and know rangers need players espeically these two.
  13. Also raman from stv has got it wrong a few times so we'll just have to wait and see if mcgowen is interested or not. I mean why would ally say they was interested and get that pish rumour that mcgowen is no interested. End of the day it's up too hearts, hearts say aye he'll then think he's no wanted and sign. Fuck knows but im no to worried about mcgowen at the moment. We have a decent right back.
  14. Stella looking like he's gonna sign. Least we have one player in and he looks pretty good from what i've seen. Hope to fuck templeton signs and larsson as well.
  15. We passed really well tonight. Not only that we pressed and never gave them any time or space to even think of passing never mind attacking us. Really happy with super's tactics and the players commitment and effort. Still need a few players just to add more depth. But based on tonight's performance, that's how Rangers should play all the time. Was excellent to watch.
  16. Enjoyed the game. Tactics were spot on and the players looked like they enjoyed themselves. I was impressed by all the players. Defence looked solid enough midfield was top notch and our strikers where on target. Alexander never had much to do but did what was needed with absolute class. All round i was a happy bear watching how we played. A big difference from the Berwick game, a BIG DIFFERENCE. Faure was impressive on the first half and did reasonably well in the second, couple of mistakes but it's his first game. Our right back, Anestis Argyriou looked solid and ran down the flanks most of the time with pace really impressed with him, just what we need for our defence. Overall great performance from all the players. Really happy
  17. Im sure mad vlad has said he won't put in anymore money into hearts and that hearts wouold have to sell players to buy players and fund itself that way, he's been trying to sell the club for years. I reckon hearts could sell as they have wingers already, maybe the money for templeton by us would go straight into a player who plays a position they need strengthening or into managing the clubs bills etc. They could sell.
  18. I'm for one not calling for allys head. He's ally mccoist fucksake he's a legend and he's our legend. If anyone is to blame it's the players. Sandaza looked like he never really cared to be honest. A lazy preformance, needs a good kick up the arse with the amount of chances he had. And kyle is pish he's out of shape and I dont believe he's playing for the jersey more like the pay check. Need a new striker and wingers and one creative midfielder that can actually read and build up attacks, a real football mind who knows where everyone is and can make an attack out of nothing. We're missing that from our team. The defense looked shaky but i'm giving them time as it's more or less a new back four. Don't put down ally for this bears. He'll sort it out and get the right players in now. Charles green would have seen that match as he was there and will agree with ally that we need some of the players on his lists at rangers cause we looked abysmal when attacking. In ally we trust no surrender.
  19. Also kyle looks utter pish everytime I watch him. He'sa presence aye but he's fucking to slow and can't do fuck all. Thank fuck he's only got a one year deal and no 3 years. Still a waste of wages. He's out of shape I can understand but fucksake he shouldn't be playing if he's out of shape. Im confident super will turn it around with a few signing and making the players work hard on the training ground to correct on how we play. Hope ally gives them murder on the training ground only way they will learn and benefit and the club itself.
  20. Should be embarassed fucksake. The way they played people would have thought we'd been in division 3 for years. The defense was shaky, fuck all in midfield apart from black who was getting chopped by every cunt, wee mackay was decent had pace did something. The front line was a joke, sandaza needs slapped for the amount of chances he had. Not only that, whenever he's chasing the ball he doesn't seem to really go for it, little on the other hand was trying and got a goal. Little, alexander to some degree black mackay and the new greek guy did something the rest utter shite. Even jig although he was in midfield but he hardly linked up with anyone. Like I've stated before we looked sluggish and slow. The berwick players looked fitter for some reason and wanting it. Ally needs to get this sorted and bring in 2 wingers for both flanks another fucking striker with pace and has a decent shot and dribbling skills. We need a creative midfielder who can pick and make a pass and can make an attack out of nothing. A midfielder who has the creative thinking we're looking for, something different cause lets face it. Our players all look to predicable and one directional. No too sure about the defense the day. Some of the younger berwick players had a go at our cbs and got through. Now for experinced cbs they shouldn't be letting that kind of pish to get near our goal considering there experience cribari and bocanegra. May need another defender as well! Heard sabastian faure isn't that quick either and he's young :@ I think I need to sit down again after another rant. Cheers bears.
  21. Mccoist needs more time with this new batch of players. Watching the game our lads looked slow, sluggish and pretty shite. No other words to describe it. Can't say players need to gel and say thats the excuse. Everyone knows they need to gel, but the kind of calibre players we've signed should be professional and equiped enough with the skills to beat this team berwick rangers. We had chances but our strikers are shite. Little I leave out, he at least tried and got a goal. Sandaza looked all over the place, had chances but didn't finish. He looked slow as fuck and kevin kyle is worse. Thank fuck he's only one a one year contract. I know he's unfit but come on he's been awful. I dont think kyle has the passion to be a success for rangers he only cares for the pay check. Like he said he was releaved to play for rangers not excited or happy. I've already stated we need at least two wingers left and right, a creative midfielder and a pacy striker. We're to slow for what we are we're the best football club in the world and that's the preformance we give? Hope ally gets some players in quick to sort this out. WatpI
  22. That rangers didn't look like the rangers I saw at east fife and east stirling. Still love the rangers though but we need more players, different kind of player from what we have... All one directional and sluggish. Come on the berwick players looked fitter and up for it. We looked utter shite. Listening to mccoist the now and he's no happy. Tell them ally! Watp! Rtid.
  23. Watching that match kinda made me sick. We looked so slow when on the attack it was unbelievable to watch. If it wasn't for neil alexander we'd have been beaten. We need a new striker, sandaza had chances couldn't finish. Kevin kyle looks pish up front, alright he may be unfit but come on tae fuck did you see that heeder? Miles away fucksake. And whats with the long ball tactic? They tried the same long ball shite every fucking turn hoping to get lucky. The berwick players looked fitter than our boys. It was shocking. Little black and alexander and the new greek guy did alright and wee mackay as well. The rest need a good look at themselves. We need to play the ball quick on the floor not high balls all over the place getting no where.. Need wingers both sides, need a creative midfield alright we have sheils but get someone with a creative brain who knows when and how to pass and makes attacking options and need a pacy striker. Story for the long rant bears but that match was shocking. Cheers.
  24. Thanks guys for your replies. I got 2 tickets for the game from the Copland front port cabin which i was thinking why don't more people go there then standing in a queue for the actual ticket office?
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