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five stars

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Posts posted by five stars

  1. Tut tut, resorting to swearing is tantamount to losing the debate, which you have just lost.

    Shame you don't know much, may I suggest you arm yourself with facts, not myths, before you start typing.

    We are both fans of the most successful Club in Scotland, so let's agree to disagree on this topic.

    No, the night is young and the debate still fresh, and i feel a bit of a bromance developing?
  2. 3 times I've asked the question, and 3 times you cannot give me a figure. If, as you say, he has 7.8% of the shares, then you would be able to quantify 7.8% into a figure. You do not know very much, do you.

    1p a share mate. This is like debating with someone who thinks the moon is made of cheese.
  3. On the contrary, I did not make up a question, so I will ask you for the 3rd time, could you please remind me of how shares CG has?.

    Charles got millions of shares at a penny a piece. You said no he didn't. I asked you then if he didn't get his shares for a penny then how much did he pay. You answered by asking how many shares does he have?? Anyway he had 7.8% of shares.
  4. Not on drink or drugs, I asked a serious question, with the preface of "please", so I will ask again. Could you please remind me of how many shares CG has?. Simple question which must have a simple answer.

    I presume as you are trying to avoid answering the question that you just made it up?

  5. Please remind me of how many shares CG bought and the price he paid, as you say, it's not rocket science.

    Keep up please. I had posted that Charles had got his shares at 1p each. You posted saying i was wrong. I posted asking you how much did he pay then. You posted back asking how much he payed for them ??? Have you been drinking?
  6. Wrong.

    This is a "once upon a time" story, sent out by RST etc to demonise CG.

    ALL shares (in all Companies) are 1p shares, check your share certificate (IF you have one).

    They are called 1p shares as 1p is the lowest coin of the realm. Trading prices rise and fall, so shares cannot be marketed as anything more than 1p.

    Ok then how much did he pay and for how many shares? Then divide the amount payed for the shares by the number of shares bought. You will then have the price per share. It's hardly rocket science.

  7. It is not about giving your vote away but using your vote effectively. As individual small shareholders you have no voice. Together we can be heard. I understand many dont want anything to do with the trust, we need an alternative option to represent the small shareholder who wants nothing to do with the RST.

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