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Everything posted by 77amurai

  1. People need to give him a break. Central defence is one of the hardest roles to play in first team football as a young lad. I can't think of one centre half on the planet that was anywhere near the finished article at 22.
  2. You seem to think the only problem our players have is that they need a kick up the arse. Fair enough. But you want to reorganise the club and put Ally in a nothing position just so someone can have a few harsh words with the players? Fucking madness.
  3. so, your assumption that I'm something I'm clearly fucking not is based on what you think other people might be thinking? There's a record of all my posts in my profile, it'll only take you two seconds. Otherwise, once again, go fuck yourself.
  4. I don't understand your last sentence, despite reading it several times. And no, I've met plenty loopers who are clearly on another planet but don't wish harm on anyone.
  5. Because I don't believe there's a secret conspiracy going on, I'm an irritating filth cunt............ Care to point to the posts that make this so? Oh and go fuck yourself.
  6. nah, even mentalists don't need sectioned unless they're a danger to themselves or others. You're not, are you?
  7. away and take a fuck off the end of my cock you inbred, smelly, ridden, thundercunt.
  8. I suspect if this was true the press would have been wanking themselves into a frenzy whilst posting it on their webshites.
  9. this is the type of stuff that makes us look mental. there's a reason conspiracy theorists work on the fringes and it's not because they're being kept down by a secret kabal.
  10. parents wanted to move to Scotland apparently and he followed them over
  11. It's fucking ridiculous we have to explain this still to anybody, never mind our own.
  12. Why would they pay an astronomical agent fee to employ people they are conspiring with?
  13. I just might! And I'm on the critical side
  14. Well fucking said. I have no desire to become a lemming with no opinion of my own, negative reps be damned!
  15. Nothing random with that at all. We all have our differences of opinions but we gathered together with one voice that day. It was fucking beautiful.
  16. what's this to do with that shower?
  17. when you put it that way...........
  18. Our game would need to change drastically for a creative midfielder to work.
  19. If it's hard as nails that you like (given your obsession with the man) I should let you know that I'm unstoppable at thumb wars.
  20. you don't want taught by a girl, they just jump up and down and wiggle their arses......... acutally, ignore me.
  21. that's not a joke, that's a heinous act designed to repulse mankind..........
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