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Everything posted by linnyplant

  1. No mate ,apparently they are a crack swedish outfit according to the tarriers.
  2. There from Sweden mate. thought everyone knew that.
  3. went to see the Blue Jays when I was in Toronto for NARSA two years ago and loved the experience.Glad to see them doing so well this year. Lets Go Blue Jays!!!!!!
  4. Nobody is absolving anyone,I can understand that the OP made a knee jerk reaction that has turned out to be a tragedy and it is certainly not funny in any way. You continue to try and justify inappropriate comments after the full facts are known when a family have lost a loved one and you are continuing to act like a fanny{womans vagina) just now.Perhaps you could contact the dead mans familly and tell them that you think it is okay to have a joke about their tragic loss. I have every sympathy for the family but I don't see any evidence of you offering condolences. You think you are one smart guy who hides behind the anonymity of your well worn out keyboard. You my friend have lost touch with reality and thats not surprising to me given the amount of posts you have on here .You try to attack my morals but it is okay for you to have morals where it is okay to make fun of the dead. God help us!!You have still not answered my previous question. Cat got your tongue,eh?
  5. I have not got a problem with you Luton Blue . You have shown remorse and it was a knee jerk reaction to something and we all have been guilty of that in our time. The same cant be said for Casey Jones in my opinion who thinks that someone dying at a football match merits jokes and he continues to defend that line of thought.
  6. Your struggling mate.I did ask you a question and you are trying to wriggle out of it.I will ask you again. Can you explain how the loved ones in those two situations would not be extremely upset by those two insensitive actions?
  7. Having a go at me is not answering the question.Can you explain what you mean by that then, why they are not similar in showing a lack of respect to someone who has passed away, and can you also explain how the loved ones in those two situations would not be extremely upset by those insensitive actions?
  8. I would say that someone attending a funeral and booing at a coffin is showing that person and his family a lack of respect in the same way that making a joke about someone who has just died at a football match is equally showing a lack of respect to that person and his family.
  9. Of course. Why do you think it is so popular?
  10. Not nonsense friend.Willhay has millions of followers worldwide. Read his views before you make such rash comments. You dont need drugs if you abide by his philosophy.
  11. Are you saying that you disagree with willhay and his philosophy?.He was a great and wise man. You should read up on him. His book How High, is a chinaman story unlike any other.It may well enlighten you my friend
  12. Old Chinese proverb"Man who start swearing always losing argument" Those Chinese guys were so clever. I think this Chinese Philosopher was called How High from the Willhay provence in Northern China and is generally perceived to have been the wisest man from that provence.
  13. I think I must be in the minority then because I find it offensive to have a joke about someone who has just died at a football match and I find it extremely offensive when I hear songs or chants about 66 innocent people who lost their lives attending a Rangers match all those years ago. I am obviously a more sensitive wee soul than you Casey
  14. So Casey,let me get this right.You are OK about the Tims singing about the Ibrox disaster then. That doesn't upset you and you can put it down to just having a laugh about other peoples misfortune. Have I got that right mate?
  15. I blame the Twilight films for this,bloody vampires, their everywhere these days.Mind you he must be one of the modern ones because in my day they couldn't come out till after dark.
  16. Juve's first goal right out of Auchenowie, a big punt right up the park. Well done Ally for passing it on.!!!
  17. I've worked in Kilmarnock for the last fifteen years and the town is going through a very difficult time with Johnny Walker moving out and it would be a further tragedy if Kilmarnock go under. Nearly all the Killie fans that I know are Rangers friendly and they are the one SPL club that didn't put the boot in when we were down. Rugby Park gave me one of the happiest days of my life following the Gers when we clinched the league a coupe of seasons ago. The atmosphere that day was so special and the first seven minutes of that game can never be bettered. I have got a photo of me and my daughter after the final whistle in pride of place in my office. I hope they mange to survive.
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