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Everything posted by folkestoneger

  1. To illustrate my point about the manager Today Spurs started three players that also started the big match against Chelsea at the weekend. That is correct started three players not lost three players from his ( possibly) strongest side as played in the big match v Chelsea. That meant their manager, having looked at the opposition, felt comfortable in dropping eight players and replacing them with squad members simply because he knew he had a much better squad than the opposition. And that was in Europe not SPFL 3 Now we have been told that Ally could not do without three players and that any manager would have done the same. Is anybody getting my point? It's all about managing your squad And yes I know we are not Tottenham Hotspur but relative to Dunfermline we may as well be
  2. Cheers mate. Stags Head beside the station will probably be it. Spent the afternoon on google maps trying to figure out where to go to salvage my visit.
  3. Join me at Dumbarton We will get to see the place a year earlier than all the others
  4. That is simply your opinion when you say any manager would have made that decision. I, among others, do not agree with that statement
  5. Would be interesting if BT sport pushed it. The SPFL must have signed a contract allowing the TV companies to pick their games as we are always told we have no choice in the matter when we moan about yet another noon kick off in the highlands. Unless Donkey has a written exception for next weekend he could be in breach of contract. Surely then he could just order the managers to drop the players from the squads
  6. As I said earlier it's not all about the money even if I would rather not have spent it. It is more about the very limited chances many have to actually get to a game and the planning months in advance being ruined.
  7. I did say earlier I did not agree wit personal attacks on him as a man even though I was guilty of saying he was a shite manager. In all honesty if he asked me what I though of his managerial skills my reply would be along the lines of "you will always be a legend but sorry I don't think you have got it as a manager". I am sure he would be pissed off but it would be an honest answer and I think he would accept it as that.
  8. Well balanced by the contempt he has shown to all who have made arrangements to travel long distances for the chance to see our team. The very people who provide his £750000 a year lifestyle. And believe you me I would have no problem asking him to his face why he thinks we cannot beat Dunfermline with the team quoted numerous times on here today. He did sign virtually every one of them after all.
  9. I don't understand why this was the case We still attracted tens of thousands of fans and were on TV what seemed like every other week Surely sponsors would have had a wider audience than any normal SPL club
  10. I cheated Poor upbringing in slum like town to blame
  11. Look mate. We really shouldn't argue about it but should just agree we see it differently. You see it as a risk and that's fair enough if that's how you feel whereas I saw it as a chance for some other players to get some game time and did not think there was any chance of us not winning. Nothing will make me believe we need those players to beat Dunfermline.
  12. A "weakened team" is a relative term in the context of the 3rd tier of Scottish football.
  13. My time off, etc was booked way before that happened.
  14. My wish to support my team is currently costing me nearly £300 per game watched just for tickets and you call that selfish? My belief that we have a squad good enough to beat any team from that level of football with or without a few players is selfish? I already said if I thought there was the slightest chance playing the game would damage our chances I would have said nothing but it simply isn't the case. The team quoted above by many posters would easily beat Dunfermline or any other team in that league without breaking sweat
  15. To be honest I had no idea they would even think of calling off a game in the 3rd tier. I assumed they could handle it. Looks like I was wrong
  16. About as selfish as a man who takes £800k to manage saying he cannot manage the squad he insisted on signing. Only one player signed this season will be missing so we still have the other 7 he claimed would enable us to challenge for trophies and win the leagues we were in
  17. If it was just about money I would not have bought season tickets to see a grand total of two games in the last two seasons. The money is a pain but the real annoyance is not seeing the game and knowing I may get one more chance this season. I hardly get any weekends off and when I do it is not certain the game will suit.
  18. The fucking problem is that a club who has had the level of support they have ,from people who have stuck with them in very difficult circumstances, should think more of that support. We don't need a "full strength side" to beat Dunfermline. That is why we have a squad that costs us £8 million in the 3rd tier
  19. When did SPL teams become part time? The relative gap is much wider now. As I just pointed out we beat a similar standard team 8-0 a week ago
  20. A good number of people travel far further than from Fife
  21. Are you really trying to claim the 3rd tier is on a level with the SPL? A fair number of SPL teams could give us a decent game on their day that can hardly be said of this league. We beat the 3rd place side 8-0 a week ago FFS and they are of a very similar quality to Dunfermline
  22. Because they won't finish within 20 points of us and we would have beaten them anyway. The club know they have large numbers of fans who travel long distances so should have made allowances. It was hardly rocket science to figure out the probable call ups ( same as previous games) but they have been pushing tickets for this match like anything right up to the last day or two.
  23. I admit that in anger I called him a shite manager. I do feel this is the case because, among other reasons, I do not think he is up to the job if he cannot cope against virtually pub teams without a few players. I do not however make or agree with personal comments attacking him as a man rather than a manager
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