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Everything posted by BigBearButt

  1. Talks about speaking to the group at half time, fuck that. Tell them that its not acceptable by making changes not fucking encourage it by letting the same team go out for the second half. How many times does he need to see the same thing from the same players?! He was adamant that the signings in January were for improving the starting 11 yet doesnt start any of them ?! Someone needs to force him to answer the difficult questions instead of just letting him piss out the same party lines from Gerrards era
  2. I agree, i dont think Cantwell had a good game when he came on, felt he struggled to get into the game and wanted too much time on the ball. If have started him and brought on tillman though
  3. they didnt even look good/ play well and thats what makes it worse
  4. I will say Im not going to turn on Beale but he got today badly wrong, he needs to really take responsibility for this in terms of selection and also drop the same shite that have let us down time after time
  5. he has shown what he is, overrated and not good enough for us. he is full of promise yet rarely delivers. Fucking shite
  6. I agree, others thought he got it spot on due to experience.... experience of being shitebags
  7. i hope that cunt isnt given a new deal unless we have an immediate deal to sell on, fucking hoaching
  8. you make your own luck, celtic havent even played well and they havent needed to
  9. We can beat them, we have the players, just need the manager to wise up and dont be a shitebag
  10. any fucking pro athlete who gets out muscled by a jap should get shot. Our players need to fucking man up, barasics tackle was an embarrassment
  11. Fucking shite, beale started the wrong team, too pig headed to change things until too late. We have picked up but fuck me not enough of them are treating this like a cup final
  12. if we lose not starting Raskin should fucking haunt beale, fucking poofter decision not to start him, he has by far looked our best player since coming in
  13. Folk are wanting kent to sign a new deal. His numbers are fucking horrific
  14. As i said cup final not the game you' see how it is after 60 minutes' awful selection and then management from beale. fucking change it
  15. Fucking cup final and not even laid a glove on themm, get some fucking changes made ffs
  16. he has looked fucked since the first whistle, clearly not fit and thats on Beale for starting him
  17. Aye a cup final isnt the game to say give it 60 minutes lets wait and see, lets see if beale is brave enough
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