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Posts posted by Grundy

  1. Must admit that none of the names mentioned in the last few posts inspire me and I don't know enough to comment about managers outwith Scotland, so if Pedro eventually flops, and I don't know if he will or won't, I don't know who I'd want in.  Obviously Tommy Wright hasn't done himself any harm today and I could fully understand if we went for him and I suspect he'd be better than McInnes.

  2. The only certain thing I could take from that is O'Halloran won't be back, and it's more to do with attitude than ability.  I like that he won' t be pushed into talking about something he doesn't feel should be open to debate but I always feel that I never learn anything from his press conferences.  Maybe that's what he intends and we don't give him enough credit for it, I don't know, but right now I've gotta go, the dug's barking at something outside....

  3. The fact that he signed Alves, Dorrans, and other potentially exciting players had me buoyed up and looking forward to the season but to be trailing behind so early has got the alarm bells ringing. Hope it's just a matter of time before the team clicks and starts to show it's potential but I'm having real doubts.  It will not be good for us if we have to sack Pedro and start again, really make it look like a daft decision to appoint him in the first place, we shall see.

  4. He can't help himself, trying to get a dig in " Responding to Club 1872's statement, Lennon said: "I've never heard of them. It looks like it was written by a 15-year-old - I was aware of it but I don't need to comment on it."  I wonder who wrote that for him, he's not capable of thinking that up for himself.  He's the most repugnant, bigoted, figure I can think of in the history of Scottish football. Hibs will regret his appointment in the long run.

  5. Everyone, including the police know there is no death threat to the horrible example of a human known as Neil Lennon. The police are only wanting to show the " appropriate response".  If our football authorities were dong their jobs properly there would be no requirement for club 1872 or the club to bring up the subject of his behaviour.  The SFA and SPFL are probably hoping he gets sacked sooner rather than later as he brings nothing other than bad news,  instead of coming down hard on him right now, cowardly bastards.  This man is a cancer on not just our game but our society in general, we're supposed to be civilised and forward thinking but low life like him just drag us backwards, shame on our country for allowing it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Turnberry18 said:

    To be fair it isn't just after a defeat, and I am very critical of the fact that we gave him another contract. He isn't very good, and for whatever reason, will not be dropped, and should have been subbed at the weekend and wasn't. I'm not convinced Caixinha is an out and out fan of him either, which only confuses me even more. I would welcome him leaving in this window, and us signing a better forward to compliment Herrera and Morelos. I was a fan of him years ago, but it is plain;y obvious he is no longer good enough to play for this club, not in terms of venturing for success.

    Agree with this and think Pedro has been scared to drop him which is surprising.  Let him go and bring in a younger, hungrier player.

  7. Agree that the ref was a disgrace and probably cost us the game but a couple of things worry me. Firstly we had nobody showing any leadership after the sending off, although I appreciate it is tricky especially in midfield when you are a man down. Jack looks like a warrior who will get in about the opposition but others need to step up when he is not available.  Secondly, as others have asked, why keep Miller on in midfield (where he is pretty ineffectual) when he could have put Rossiter on, or Nico for that matter ?  We do not have any divine right to win games but we should have enough character to beat a very average Hivs, even with 10 men.  Pedro's decision making comes into question I think,  I saw no evidence of our 5 captains.

    As for the bigot, we shouldn't have to highlight his antics and if the SPFL don't take action only then should we turn up the heat by highlighting his disgusting behaviour both past and present.

  8. 9 minutes ago, psb07158 said:

    Didn't you see the runs he was making? I fully expected him to be absolutely fucked but he pushed the effort out and kept going until the final whistle. Consistent 90 mins will do him a world of good

    Sincerely hope you're right and I'm being over critical and he goes on to be  an important player for us, not doubting his ability, but I,ve just got a hunch it isn't going to work. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Big Al II said:

    I agree desire to track back in last ten minutes when he was blowing out his arse and we were 6-0 up is a huge change in his attitude...early days but here's hoping.

    Agree with this but he shouldn't be blowing out his arse with 10 mi9nute to go. He has potential but I've got a bad feeling about him, really hope I'm wrong.

  10. 3 minutes ago, GaryMc said:

    Played some good stuff but I was most impressed with the constant pressing and the effort the whole team put in.

    There was obvious standouts for me in Morelos, Miller and Candeias but I was really impressed with Dorrans, Rossiter and Windass for the shift they put in as they didn't give Dunfermline's midfield a minutes peace! Especially Windass who I thought worked his arse off for the team which isn't something I expected from him.


    Agree about being pleased with the pressing and effort, don't know so much about Rossiter as I think Jack is better in an attacking sense. Windass did work hard but faded in and our of the game. Think we need to find a way to get more out of Candeias who looks very talented. and could prove to be a key part of the team., Cardoso was very impressive, a great find.. Pleased for Morelos who I think will score plenty in this league.

  11. You could see Bonner and English bristling with indignation, almost boiling over, I thought Mols said that " for him" the titles gained when we weren't competing didn't count, I may be wrong but anyway it was great to see the bitter tims getting so worked up.

  12. 12 hours ago, IanFerguson2013 said:

    This incident is beyond understanding. How can anyone brought up anywhere in the civilised world think that this is a fun thing to sing about.

    9 hours ago, With Heart and Hand said:

    Regardless of the politics of it, Lee Rigby was a British citizen who was publicly butchered on the streets of his own country, no right minded person would see reason to celebrate this no matter what side of the political divide they are on.

    They are literally celebrating people being slaughtered on the streets of Britain. They are the scum of the Earth

    It would appear that some celtic fans are so demented that they support any attacks against our armed forces and seek to get enjoyment singing about it !?!

    There must be someone on their board of directors who will stand up and say 'enough is enough'. They can't all be this bad surely ?

    Or have they become so warped that they will stand by even the worst of their support ?

    These two posts reflect my own, disgusted, feelings about this incident. I cannot believe their club has not issued a statement condemning this behaviour, they really are without morals - a cesspit from top to bottom.

  13. Pretty sure Gary's family were bheggars, funny thing is that this happened about 25 years ago so you, and the nurse must  have been about 16 or even less ? I know that you being a good prod wouldn't have done anything naughty but maybe best to let sleeping dogs lie. Clatty Pat's has a lot to answer for.

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