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Everything posted by Robmc1

  1. Agree with this, schools should be for learning and educating our children to be good citizens and neighbours, regardless of family beliefs or religions. If families want a religious upbringing it should be up to them to arrange and facilitate. School segregation does nothing to enhance and promote progressive, all inclusive society no matter how it’s spun, only the opposite imo...
  2. This is their comfort zone and fits their ‘oppressed’ mantra... ‘if the face fits....’
  3. Football banter used to be just that, given unsavoury and over the top at times but over the last nine years (whilst on top I may add) the level of vitriol, poison and basically unadulterated hatred that has spewed from a section of their support has surprised even myself. (Not only their support but mainly). Winning this title (especially given the significance to them) is a real reality check for them that their free ride to success has ended with a bump...
  4. Well there’s your problem, they’re not that great at factual history over ‘anything’ since the 60’s, titles won and lost being way down the list of things that need addressing...
  5. Well there we are, another ‘journalist’ who takes the lazy and cowardly route of highlighting Lennon’s nationality and religion as the cause of his issues as opposed to addressing his in-appropriate and tbh sometimes offensive behaviour shown towards other fans and clubs. His take on the Northern Irish Catholic persecution never questions why any other player coach of this persuasion in recent times has had the need for ‘candlelight vigils’ or ‘’we are all.....’ banners made and songs sung. It’s made out that he’s had a terrible life here as opposed to a couple of high profile incidents involving halfwits which were rightly condemned but this wasn’t life on a daily basis for him. Maybe if addressing the elephant in the room in the fact that he like everyone had his flaws, be that winding up Rangers, Hearts or any other teams fans in ways that other professionals in the game would not, is it any wonder that the touch paper would eventually be lit of an ‘extreme’ element of these supporters (like all clubs, including his own). It was inevitable that it was just a matter of time before his unruly behaviour got directed towards his own players and fans which in effect what was happening, I’m not even going to start on his angry rant post Dubai. In summary, Lennon wasn’t good enough to deal with a competitive Rangers team and Tom English has again referred to type highlighting the ‘victim’ card instead of just telling things how they are...
  6. Not sure about this, we all saw their top tiers closed and covered in banners when they were lifting league titles, can see them reappearing next season now they are no longer the dominant force in Scottish football...
  7. You could associate that comment to any number of games covered by him...
  8. 100% Again begs the question... I’ve heard numerous discussions as recent as SSB today expecting SFA bans for the lads involved in the covid breach, fair enough. I still have not had any reasonable explanation as to why there were no SFA sanctions against the celtic players who breached protocol in Dubai, has there been a widespread amnesia regarding this, is there any difference?
  9. The same people are all too quick to shout about what offends them (everything) and just as quick to tell others what should offend you (nothing)...
  10. I think he already has given a half hearted apology although failed to specify exactly what it was for. He’s a clown who has sat on ‘real scandal’ within Scottish football for decades as a journalist. There’s a starting point for his apologies...
  11. I believe he called Morelos ‘a nasty piece of work’ live on air...
  12. Was just about to say that her (Sturgeon) telling any organisation to get their ‘house in order’ was beyond irony given her personal and party’s current situation...
  13. This should not even be getting discussed as it’s only speculation and rumour, until the actual enquiry is made public then it should not be on a radio station who have refused to discuss far more serious rumours and allegations concerning another club for years...
  14. No mention of their finances but your spot on with Keevins pushing ‘the Rangers 2nd’ COVID breach throwing in Sturgeon as predicted... I will give it 10 mins but I’m predicting I might not even reach that point unless there’s a meltdown re hints at Lennon remaining...
  15. Regardless of our figures our board have and will continue to support the club financially, their board do not have the same emotional investment in their club and take as opposed to give...
  16. Is Dalziel on the celtic payroll? Claiming it was a penalty and no yellow card for Browns follow through?
  17. Well if you blatantly dive, and get away with it guess what, it happens again. That was as blatant a dive as I’ve seen for a long time (that includes last weeks)...
  18. Trial by tv campaign is now underway for Obika’s ‘CO’ subsequent cite and ban...
  19. Tbf I think it was more of a case of ‘us’ putting ourselves out of the LC that night...
  20. Yes, their manager said he was rotating some of his squad for Aberdeen (?) pre kick off and tbf they lost (imo) their most productive and best player in McGrath to injury. Very disappointing otherwise...
  21. That’s what you get when your analysis team has neither the subjectivity nor the courage to call out incidents from a team they have leanings towards. A mirror of the commentary duo. I wonder if that was Morelos how many references to the tackle (McGregor’s) would be made and how many slowed down replays from every angle available would have been shown?
  22. It’s ok, the even handed analysis team of Collins and the other one will highlight the fact that at least one of them could and should have easily been a red🙄...
  23. Probably aided by Collin’s references to celtic as ‘we’ on more than one occasion...
  24. You do realised you could have saved yourself some time and effort in the description of them by only using one of the above highlighted words that just about fits the bill👆...
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