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Everything posted by Gitch

  1. Ahahahaha, you're a prick. And you're not funny. Now fuck off.
  2. The internet has made papers redundant for me. I wouldn't have bought the Record anyway, no tits.
  3. I apologise, I did think you were at it given the many threads and discussions on this today. For all we know you've just logged on and not seen them (I'm joking )
  4. I don't represent anyone but myself and my own opinion. You're the one demanding to know what lies there are before you will even consider anyone else's point. If people feel strongly enough to protest then they will, they don't need a cast iron reason. Moooooooooooo!
  5. Not really. It's not a debating club. We, as fans, feel there is a bias and misrepresentation of uor football club. We want to stop buying the paper. It's that easy. There are no rules.
  6. Some good points there mate. As for the trialist stuff. Do folk think that there are no other clubs looking at people? Hibs have had a ton of trialists and not signed them, christ they've got Claros on trial just now, doesn't mean they have to sign him up. Should we sign every one that comes and have a team full of useless players just to satisfy some peoples need for new faces?
  7. Gitch

    Mario kart wii

    Get to know the courses, find the shortcuts cause they really do make a difference. When you're gliding try to stay in the air as long as you can as you can cut some big corners on some of the tracks. When you're boosting try not to fight the turn as it stops the boost working, try to take the corners tight on a boost. I love MK7, been owning some Japanese and Americans on the online this week. I've only got 1 star on my file from getting gold on all offline courses though as I just keep playing the online. Edit: The parts are unlocked randomly when you collect coins or meet other criteria. I like to use the Egg or Gherkin body, the roller wheels and the parafoil glider.
  8. I personally don't think it should be made public. It's a very bad situation for his poor wife to be in when she's probably still grieving terribly. Unfortunately the papers won't see it that way. His death was a bit of a mystery at the time and they'll be jumping to report anything that would shed some light on the situation. This is why I hate newspaper reporters.
  9. The gent's obviously targeting this at the many many super rich financial experts that we have on here Can't afford it myself but I hope someone goes for it. Would be a dream for most on here.
  10. I just got a text saying he was off to Sunderland. Can anyone confirm?
  11. Downloaded the demo for Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS last night. Sitting playing it in my bed with the sound up and this spiky fucker dropped from the ceiling making me almost shit myself. Looks like the series is back to its best, more horror than action and the music is terrifying.
  12. Went for Boca as he's been very consistent. Aluko's not been here long enough for me. Goain's also gone about his business very well but Boca's charisma shades it for me.
  13. Fair enough. Wasn't trying to be a dick, just saw a certain irony.
  14. Fair point. I imagine most of the readers are bears though. What I meant was that there's a wider population in Scotland that might welcome a different slant on things rather than what Celtc allow the papers to produce.
  15. Hate doing this but perhaps you need a proof reader as well. I enjoy Leggo's blogs. He's not at a newspaper anymore where his work would get checked so the odd spelling mistake or bit of bad grammar can surely be forgiven. It's the content that matters to me and not the small things. Just a shame his work can't get seen by a larger audience.
  16. Wasn't scared as such but jumped out my skin at 2 particular bits in Resi 2. First was when you're running back through the boarded up corridor and the zombie hands burst through the boards on the windows. Second when you're in a room and a licker bursts through the glass from next door. Playing Silent Hill Shattered Memories just now on the wii and that's got a real creepy atmosphere.
  17. I like the Mass Effect, Bioshock and Dead Space games. Also, all of the suggestions above.
  18. Was just reading on the BBC gossip page that this guy we've got on trial was shot in Honduras last year and was back playing within 3 months. Not sure that's entirely true but good on the lad if it is. Him and Goian in the same team will be terrifying!
  19. It's fucking glorious mate. Download or buy the first if it's an XBox you've got, there're things that carry over from the previous games. Will make for a meatier experience once 3 comes out. I lost days of my life to the first 2.
  20. Christ even I've had this text and I never get ones about Rangers rumours. As soon as I saw who'd made the original thread I thought bullshit. Funny thing is, one of these days Mister C's going to be bang on the money but not one cunt will believe a word of it
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