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Everything posted by ChrisMcb

  1. Would honestly do anything to get a victory over these scum bags this weekend, love Rangers same as a love ma kids and significantly more than a love ma Missus (think about it u probably do too)
  2. Don't wish u supported another club cause of these scum bags mate, I actually feel sorry for them that they waste so much energy on a team that they supposedly think doesn't exist
  3. Much of the same from rangers in terms of how we've been playing in the first 45 of games, no excuses for it were a far better team than these, need to be aware that teams know how we're gonna set up and know how to set up against us, wouldn't hurt to have a plan b and c , need to seriously up our game quickly or the scum will make light work of us on the 10th
  4. Never seen a ref make so many wrong decisions today was utterly f*king raging had to bite my lip cause my boy was next to me but even he was asking how this baldy dick got a job
  5. Don't know if it's been mentioned yet or means anything but our kits aren't in the FIFA 17 beta just generic EA ones
  6. Haha was at plenty games mate Just first with my son he's only a boy ill pass on your concerns to him though
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