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Everything posted by ChrisMcb

  1. Hahahahahahahahah the wee monkey out jumanji clears the roof of the stadium
  2. Hearn doesn’t give a fuck about fighters threw Warrington right under the bus there. Fair play to him money talks Bullshit walks
  3. Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaa
  4. Khan wants nothing to do with brook. At least that’s how it looked and sounded after the fight. Shame as it would be a great fight. Think they will have another fight each then fight each other with both retiring afterwards
  5. Reed is a wank, speith is annoying wee cunt, hope Rory does it
  6. The piggery attendance counter being used at the emirates a see
  7. Been following since he took over. Got them steady after a shaky start
  8. Thread doesn’t derserve 4 pages fs whether he played well or not is irrelevant he fucked us over along with most of Scottish football when we were at our lowest point and deserves nothing more than to be rotting on hearts injury table with Anne budge putting a thermometer up his arse
  9. Not been as offeneded by a draw since Friday
  10. He must be in LINE for a big job
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