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Kirby king

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Posts posted by Kirby king

  1. On 04/01/2017 at 6:57 AM, Briton said:

    I never loved the man-child. Disliked him before he signed for Rangers and was gutted when it happened. The time he needed help was decades ago but he was just seen as 'daft as a brush' rather than having severe issues. Sad.

    Are you for,fucking real

  2. 21 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

    I think this may be a fake. This strip was 83/85 I think. CR Smith didn't start sponsoring us until 86. I might be wrong- was theynot the first to sponsor both us and the scum at the same time??

    Got it off Twitter a certain football shirt group sold it to a bear... he goes n shows it off on social media.... haunt the heart to,tell him it's,fake

  3. 15 minutes ago, True Azure said:

    Someone care to comment on what positives Mr Houston brings to the table with him?

    He holds SOS meetings,in the louden

    With major legends,like shuggie  burns  novo n Alex Rae n that powder puff Italian striker

  4. 3 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

    Knowing my dad he'll either think that their tims at it or deserve a bit of a kick up the arse to not behave in such ways. 

    But personally I would have wanted the admins to deal with it on here and sice no one reported it I don't think they can be faulted

    Aye ok

  5. 10 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

    I've just read it.


    My dad has made a comment in a personal capacity of displeasure at the posts - some of which are crossing the line. The pub hasn't come out backing any of this and I wouldn't want the pub to be involved in anything to do with this. 

    Lets be clear here. I have clear issues with the posts and if I'd seen them I'd likely have reported them as i don't think it's good for us as Support. But equally I think voicing displeasure in the manner Craig has done doesn't benefit us either as it's clear that the appropriate channels haven't been followed on here and all it does is make this rare occurance seem a greater issue than it is. 

    Two wrongs don't make a right and both sides really need to think about how their actions make the support look 

    Personal capacity using his pub as his profile picture..

    P.s. has he,got names n addresses yet...

  6. 3 minutes ago, gogzy said:

    fuck him too.   Does he report anyone saying anything dodgy in his pub to the police?  does he name and shame them and find out who they are and where rhey work.

    I think not.

    too many dirty grassing cunts in the world now.heess the biggest grass out...

  7. Hi people new to this forum.was shown   Houston's comments this morning as I'm no longer on  facebook. I decided after a hard good think to join the forum to show my support.

    Like most I've nothing against wee Jay actually like the wee lad.. don't think comments  highlighting his disability are in good taste.. tbh but that's not what I've came on,to posts about

    Mr Houston is a attention seeking cockksocket..   a user.. he used the ub in his pursuit of the people who ran rangers then dropped them like a stone....  he now runs a academy and sells the SOS tops in a,well known pub on prw most  home games..

    And don't get me started on Marshall.hees now wanting the people who posted named shamed addresses posted and  work,places told...2 cheeks of the,same area


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