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Murray Park showing its worth?

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the fact that even subs, players that havent got much game time etc are able to come into old firm games and play well like today to me shows that murray park is making a difference on the players

it gets faulted for the lack of youth to come through, but seeing as its not used for that part only i believe that its becoming a success in aiding the first team

just my opinion

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This issue seems to be a very fine line to me.

A 0-0 draw and Murray Park isn't working and is a waste of money. A 2-1 win against the scum and everything is rosy! :lol:

The only way we'd know is if we didn't have it, and I'm not sure I'd like that to be honest!

One thing I would say in it's benefit, is that our players seem to recover from injury a bit quicker...unless it's a serious injury of course...but even then, recovery time is still quicker imo! That to me is a big plus! (tu)

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So playing a striker at right-back, I know he's played at the back too but still, but then getting injured means Murray Park is rosier than Strawberries in Summer?

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